Raj’at (to return)
Raj’at (to return) Introduction The belief of Raj’at is one of the hotly debated topics in Islam and religious scholars as well as Quranic commentators have put forth their views and opinions concerning it. They consider Raj’at to be an extension of the “theory of reincarnation” or the “theory of the cycle of human life”. They have pushed the limits of their intellect and have exhausted all their arguments and reasoning in order to justify and explain the belief of ‘Raj’at’. After being submerged in the whirlpool of views and counter views, the belief in Imam Mahdi (a.s.) has emerged as a universal principle. It has soothed the heart of a distressed world and is proving to be a beacon for the survival of human race. It is proving to be the source of strength for facing insurmountable challenges and for making things possible. The honest and conscientious ones are inching towards this light. The tranquil heart is bolstered with a new lease of life through the belief in Raj’at. This is because the proponents of this belief (of Raj’at) have convincing arguments along with manifest evidences. Clear indications in heavenly books as well the revered words, impeccable character and chaste actions of our infallible leaders (a.s.), have put a stamp of authenticity on this belief. Thus, it is possible for every impartial and unbiased individual to...
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