Author: admin

Raj’at (to return)‎

Raj’at (to return)‎ Introduction The belief of Raj’at is one of the hotly debated topics in Islam and religious scholars as well ‎as Quranic commentators have put forth their views and opinions concerning it. They consider ‎Raj’at to be an extension of the “theory of reincarnation” or the “theory of the cycle of human ‎life”. They have pushed the limits of their intellect and have exhausted all their arguments and ‎reasoning in order to justify and explain the belief of ‘Raj’at’. ‎ After being submerged in the whirlpool of views and counter views, the belief in Imam ‎Mahdi (a.s.) has emerged as a universal principle. It has soothed the heart of a distressed world ‎and is proving to be a beacon for the survival of human race. It is proving to be the source of ‎strength for facing insurmountable challenges and for making things possible. The honest and ‎conscientious ones are inching towards this light. ‎ The tranquil heart is bolstered with a new lease of life through the belief in Raj’at. This is ‎because the proponents of this belief (of Raj’at) have convincing arguments along with manifest ‎evidences. Clear indications in heavenly books as well the revered words, impeccable character ‎and chaste actions of our infallible leaders (a.s.), have put a stamp of authenticity on this belief. ‎Thus, it is possible for every impartial and unbiased individual to...

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Special Greetings pertaining to Imam Zamana ‎‎(a.s.)‎

Special Greetings pertaining to Imam Zamana ‎‎(a.s.)‎ Allah – The One sans partner – is the Creator of all creatures. His Being is Unique and Needless. He is the ‎One before whom every particle of the universe is subservient and indigent. From eternity, He is Generous ‎upon the world of creation. He showers His bounties upon His creatures, morning and evening. He does not ‎withhold the flood of His bounties. His is the creation, His are the bounties. He is the fountainhead of all ‎endowments. He is the One Who adorns the dawn. He is the Provider of light to the day and the shade in the ‎blistering afternoon heat. He owns everything. Then why is He displeased with His servants? Why does He – ‎the Blessed and Merciful One – repeatedly warn His servants about the refutation of His bounties?‎ There is reason for this. The moot cause is that the Creator bestowed intellect and reasoning upon his ‎creation, the children of Adam (a.s.). Then He sent His apostles, prophets and their successors for the ‎propagation of knowledge and shariah. He thus illuminated the paths of guidance among mankind. ‎Subsequently, He gave them a choice – Be among the thankful ones or be among those who deny the bounties. ‎His anger is directed to the second group, to those who refute His bounties. Hence the tone of the...

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What does our Imam (a.s.) expect from ‎his Shias?‎

What does our Imam (a.s.) expect from ‎his Shias?‎ Let’s deliberate on a few things about our Imam (a.s.). But before we discuss as to what our ‎Imam (a.s.) expects from us, let us understand and comprehend the status of our Imam. Who is ‎he and what is his position? What is the magnitude of his lofty position? Though he is staying on ‎the earth, what is his relation with the skies? What are his powers? Here, our discussion will ‎centre on his authority and power in the sphere of religion rather than his powers in the ‎domain of the universe. We shall initiate our discussion on Imam (a.s.) from the general ‎conversations that people have in their daily lives about him (a.s.).‎ Imam Literally, Imam means “leader”. Here, Imams imply the twelve infallible guides (a.s.) who ‎are the protectors of the religion of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) after him. The first among them is ‎Ameerul Momeneen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and the last is Imam Mahdi (a.s.), who ascended to ‎the seat of Imamate in the year 260 AH after the martyrdom of his venerable father, Imam ‎Hasan Askari (a.s.). Presently, he is the divine guardian of Islam and the master of all affairs. He ‎is the Proof of Allah on the earth. He is the Wali and Caliph appointed by Allah. He is infallible ‎and possessor of...

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The Chaste Leader

The Chaste Leader The life of a human being is distinct and different as compared to all other creatures. While all creatures are subservient to the laws of nature and are involuntarily passing through the evolutionary stages of their lives, man on this wide and extensive earth is capable of leading his life according to his will and intention. Man was always been in need of a leader to hold his hand while traversing the vicissitudes of life. A leader – who will enlighten his path and protect him from deviations so that man should not slip into the abyss of misguidance. Leadership is not a concept, which is restricted to a particular time, place, person or group. Rather it is essential in every era and at all places. In fact, it is an indispensable necessity. It is the leader, which has often elevated man to the pinnacle of perfection, while at other times the same leader has dumped him in the pit of disgrace. The leader was and always will he held responsible – both for the success and prosperity or for the humiliation and failure of the society. The last two centuries – as compared to the earlier ones – saw a rise in various schools of thought and ideology. The purpose of every ideology was to help man achieve his goal and destination. All these schools...

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The Dawn of Life

The Dawn of Life Birth In the dawn of 15th Shaban 255 A.H., a brilliant glow appeared on the horizon of the universe. Its luminescence instilled a new life in humanity and nourished the universe with elixir. Despite the evil designs of the enemies, the Promise of Allah actualized in the form of the birth of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). The despicable attempts of the Umayyid and Abbasid caliphs to extinguish the light of Allah once again met with failure. Indeed the birth is the most awe-inspiring and amazing event of history. The despotic caliph of Bani Abbas had received intelligence reports that a saviour in the form of the Twelfth Imam (a.t.f.s.) will rise and fill the earth with justice and equity. Thus the apprehension of the emergence of such a reformer obsessed the minds and hearts of tyrant rulers. They contrived all sorts of devious plots to snuff out this light of Allah before its birth. In order to realize their plans they searched and explored every corner of the earth. They perpetrated unspeakable atrocities upon innocent Shias, spilled their blood, sawed their flesh and killed them ruthlessly.[1] Often the victims of such cruelties were the descendants of Holy Imams (a.s.). For the sake of keeping Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) under strict surveillance, Mutawakkil-e-Abbasi issued a directive in the year 235 A.H. that Imam (a.s.) along with his...

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