Author: admin

The Worldview on the Reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s)

The Worldview on the Reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s) “The world is getting small” is a familiar cliché. But today, we have gone one step further. Now, it is said “The world is still shrinking”. What this implies is that the ancient world was vast and expansive but the modern world is tiny and small. But the fact is that the size of the world has never altered. Neither was it enormous earlier nor is it tiny today. This apparent difference in size is due to the rapid and incredible progress made in the fields of science and technology. Today, it is possible for a person in the West to communicate – verbally & visually – with a person in a remotest area of the East. And the means of getting them closer is the ‘computer screen’. The giant strides in the domain of knowledge have now made it possible for a satellite hovering in space to take the image of the minutest of objects. This enables the attacker to target that object and destroy it with pinpoint accuracy. Outer space has come closer to earth. Distances between the East & West have contracted. Meteorologists are able to predict the changing weather patterns in the atmosphere. Lush green fields are now found in places where once the lands were barren and infertile. Vegetation is sprouting everywhere. The season of spring...

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Justice and the Reappearance of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s)

Justice and the Reappearance of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s) Man by nature loves justice and detests oppression. However at times he is influenced by his environment and he goes against his innate nature of justice and equity. Islam blamed “desires” and the “nafs-e-ammarah” responsible for this deviation of man from his innate nature. When craving for power and authority intensifies within him he gradually falls to deeper pits, i.e. from societal to the national and then to the international level in acquiring the same. He is always busy in devising and following newer ways to achieve his aim and finally becomes the supporter and devotee of vain and useless people. Just as Qazi Shurayh, the Chief Justice who signed the decree for killing of Imam Husain (a.s.) – became the supporter of the accursed Ibn Ziyad. Centuries have passed in anticipation of universal justice. Countless lives have been lost for this cause. However, their dreams still remain unfulfilled. The efforts to counter and eliminate terrorism are no way less radical than the terrorists themselves. This raises a vital question in every mind. Keeping in mind the events unfolding in the world do the discussions on justice serve any purpose? Is the discussion an exercise in futility or is it on a firm foundation? If the weak and the oppressed have lost all hopes of justice then such a discussion is...

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ABQARI AL-HESAAN We have regularly endeavoured to introduce books concerning our master Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s) in the Shabaan al-Muazzam Special Edition of AL-MUNTAZAR. This year too, we present for our esteemed readers an introduction of an important and distinguished manuscript “ABQARI AL-HESAAN FI AHWAAL-E- MAULANA SAHEB AL-ZAMAAN” in this issue. About the Author The writer of this book is the chief of researchers and narrators, the late Hujjatul-Islam Ayatullah Haj Shaikh Ali Akbar Nahaavandi. He was born in the year 1280 A.H. and studied under great luminaries like Maula Lutfullah Mazandarani, Mirza Habibullah Rashti, Shariat Isfahani, Marhum Maamqaani and Mirza Husain Noori, the author of Mustadrak al-Wasail, (may Allah’s mercy encompass them all). Marhoom Nahaavandi was known for his piety and chastity. He was unique and matchless in devotion and abstinence. Hence, many scholars and preachers took his permission before narrating traditions among the masses. He led the prayers in the Jama’ Mosque of Gauhar Shaad in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (a.s.) at Mashhad. Despite his prayers being lengthy, a large number of people would prefer to pray behind him and it was the largest congregational prayer in the entire province of Khurasaan. He was exceptional in his submission, humility and worship. He departed from this world on 19 Rabi II, 1369 A.H. and is buried in the mausoleum near the feet of the Imam Reza (a.s.). His...

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Exegesis of Ziarat of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) on Friday

Exegesis of Ziarat of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) on Friday (Continued from the previous Shabaan issue of 1431 A.H.) “Today is Friday and it is your day in which your reappearance is expected, the salvation of the believers at your hands and the killing of the unbelievers by your sword.” Three conclusions can be derived from the above sentences of this ziyarat: 1. Friday is the blessed day when the reappearance of Hazrat Hujjat (a.t.f.s.) can be expected. 2. The believers will be overjoyed after the reappearance of Imam (a.s.). 3. The enemies of Allah shall be destroyed at the hands of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). Let us try to study and analyze this sentence. 1. Prohibition of fixing a time for Imam’s (a.t.f.s.) reappearance It has already been discussed previously that fixing a time for the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) has been strictly prohibited. It has been narrated from Fuzail Ibn Yasaar that he asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.), “Is there any appointed time for this affair [reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.)]?” Imam (a.s.) replied: “Those who fix a time for it are liars! Those who fix a time for it are liars! Those who fix a time for it are liars!” [Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, p. 368, Baab-o-Karaahiyat al-Tawqeet; Al-Ghaibah by ShaikhTusi (r.a.), p. 425-426, H. 411; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 52, p. 103, H. 5] All such traditions are consecutive (mutawaatir) – literally...

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Holy Places related to Imam-e-Zamana (a.s)

Holy Places related to Imam-e-Zamana (a.s) Preface This topic – which is academic as well as historical – has a wide scope. Its importance and significance not only invites a person to ponder on the places associated with Imam -e-Zamana (a.s.) but also illuminates the path of the ones who are in search of truth. It frees the person from the vicious web of evil propaganda and guides him to the path of truth. It gives him the courage to fight the evil forces and makes him steadfast on true path. Importance When Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) announced in the Sermon of Ghadeer that he (s.a.w.a.) would have 12 successors – the first of which is Imam Ali (a.s.) while the last is the one whose name is be his name, whose agnomen is his agnomen and he (a.s.) would fill the world with truth and justice – then this sermon was not only a proclamation of the mastership of Imam Ali (a.s.) but it was also an announcement of the supremacy, power and sovereignty of his (s.a.w.a) last successor. This proclamation shattered the ignoble & unholy plans of the conspirators to acquire power and authority. Hence, Saqeefa was the place where a malicious gathering took place and a strong effort was made to put a veil on the proclamation of Ghadeer. Since the last fourteen centuries, rulers have used...

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