The Manifestations of Prophets’ Justice during Reappearance
The Manifestations of Prophets’ Justice during Reappearance Existence of law and order is a pre-requisite for harmony and peace in any social setup. However, mere formulation of laws and regulations do not ensure their fulfilment. Also, one cannot lead a peaceful individual and social life by the mere presence of laws and policies. Real felicity and satisfaction in social life can be achieved only when a society acts on justice and equity. This in turn can be possible when laws of the society are also based on justice and equity. Allah the Almighty, on account of His infinite mercy, has made all the provisions necessary for the felicity of human beings. However, due to their ingratitude, they exposed themselves to Allah’s wrath. Divine leaders and laws based on equity and justice are the most important divine bounties. Unfortunately, man due to his ungratefulness has deprived himself of these vital gifts. After exercising all the strength and power at his disposal, man has concluded that felicitous life, which may also be termed as an ideal society, is possible only with mutual cooperation and peaceful co-existence. However, social life depends on many pre-requisites; law and order being the most important. In the absence of law and order not only is the purpose of living in a society defeated but the very existence of its members is put in danger. This raises...
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