Author: admin

The Manifestations of Prophets’ Justice during Reappearance

The Manifestations of Prophets’ Justice during Reappearance Existence of law and order is a pre-requisite for harmony and peace in any social setup. However, mere formulation of laws and regulations do not ensure their fulfilment. Also, one cannot lead a peaceful individual and social life by the mere presence of laws and policies. Real felicity and satisfaction in social life can be achieved only when a society acts on justice and equity. This in turn can be possible when laws of the society are also based on justice and equity. Allah the Almighty, on account of His infinite mercy, has made all the provisions necessary for the felicity of human beings. However, due to their ingratitude, they exposed themselves to Allah’s wrath. Divine leaders and laws based on equity and justice are the most important divine bounties. Unfortunately, man due to his ungratefulness has deprived himself of these vital gifts. After exercising all the strength and power at his disposal, man has concluded that felicitous life, which may also be termed as an ideal society, is possible only with mutual cooperation and peaceful co-existence. However, social life depends on many pre-requisites; law and order being the most important. In the absence of law and order not only is the purpose of living in a society defeated but the very existence of its members is put in danger. This raises...

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Discussion of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) on the Arsh

Discussion of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) on the Arsh Certain conclusions derived from historical events and incidents not only astonish the conscious-minded, the righteous and the knowledgeable, rather, these make them see rays of a firm divine plan or movement which makes man debase himself, his forehead in prostration in front of the Needless Creator, in confession of His Infinite Power and Authority. It seems beyond intellect and rationale that on one side is the matter of human guidance and on the other is the contamination of the environment in the Arabian Peninsula after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Conditions had become even more wretched when compared to the days of ignorance (Jahiliyya). On one hand, there were a handful of companions, trained by the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and on the other hand, there was the multitude of helpers (Ansaar) and the migrants (Muhajireen). That is why Ameerul Momeneen Ali (a.s.) had said, ‘This caliphate is like a she-camel and I have left its reins to itself (i.e. allowed it to go wherever it wants).’ At times one could hear the complaints of Janabe Fatema Zahra (s.a.) in Masjidun Nabawi on the usurpation of her father’s legacy (Fadak), and at other times, one could see her in the darkness of night, in the House of Grief (Baitul Huzn) lamenting over her father’s (s.a.w.a.) demise. Then again on occasions, one...

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Imam Mahdi (as): The Only Path to Global Security

Imam Mahdi (as): The Only Path to Global Security Again, the world is paying for its deeds. Widespread global unrest, murders, killings, plunder, pillage, confusion, commotion, shortages and scarcities in the market, high prices of commodities, unreliability, straitening of sustenance, etc. are all results and consequences of human vices and misdeeds. Allah the Almighty has drawn the attention of man towards this stark reality in the Holy Quran long back. “Mischief is manifest in the land and the sea for what the people have earned. ” (Surah Rome (30), Verse 41) Habitually, we tend to blame others for our ills and absolve ourselves. The question is that if everybody is acquitted, then who is to be convicted? The fact is that all of us are jointly and severally responsible. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) cautioned, “Each one of you is responsible.” The Holy Quran states, ‘Each man has been made responsible as per his capacity’. Rather, the duties that have been imposed on man are far beneath his ability. If the reformation and improvement is not within our ability, it is not our responsibility either. Our liability is confined to the extent of our capacity, be it a city, a village, a locality or a house. If we are completely helpless and powerless, then in the least, we have power over our own selves. We can certainly take steps...

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The Manifestation of Divine Monotheism in the Imamat of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

The Manifestation of Divine Monotheism in the Imamat of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) A fact concealed in the belief in divine monotheism (Tawheed) is that none, except Allah, has the right to rule over others. Even a father does not enjoy any sovereignty over his children. When a father does not possess this right, the question of other individuals ruling over their fellow beings, commanding and prohibiting, appointing them to a position or removing them from it, does not arise. To the extent that man does not have any right over his own self. Therefore, any government or rule that comes into existence without the permission of Allah the Almighty will be unjust and inequitable, and will be considered as an interference in divine affairs. Consequently, if a person or a nation obeys such a government or ruler, he/it has obeyed an oppressor and a tyrant and instead of responding to the divine call, he/it has chosen a way that is other than that of Allah. Therefore, all the people of the world, who believe in divine unity, should accept a government or a leadership that is from Allah and in which His satisfaction is involved. Whether this patronage and mastership is that of a father over his small children or that of an individual over his self and his wealth. Had Allah not granted this authority to a father...

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Praying For Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

Praying For Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Supplication (dua) is a subject that holds a very significant place in Islam. A lot of emphasis has been placed on embracing it. In light of traditions, we find that supplication is referred to as a ‘weapon’ by which man can repel calamities and difficulties and can combat all kinds of problems and tribulations. This ‘weapon’ provides him with tremendous strength and power and with its help a believer can pierce through all the curtains in front of him and scale such a lofty status that he becomes the cause of happiness and satisfaction of the Prophets (a.s) and Imams (a.s). Traditions of Imams (a.s) highlight numerous benefits that one obtains by supplicating. We mention a few of them over here. Bonding / Relation: Whenever man is surrounded by difficulties, he generally finds himself alone to deal with them. At such a time, he needs his Creator the most. So it is necessary that his relation with his Creator is exact and enduring and which manifests his humility and modesty before his Lord. Purpose of Worship: In times of tribulations, worries, homelessness and such other difficulties, man complains only to his Creator. But it is a human shortcoming that man, in his haste, forgets what Allah desires of him. Allah has very clearly conveyed to his Prophet (s.a.w.a) that ‘I have not created men...

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