Existence of Imam Mahdi (as) is widely acknowledged
Existence of Imam Mahdi (as) is widely acknowledged Muhammad b. Jafar narrates that we disclosed our difficulties to Maalik b. Anas. He told us to bear patiently until the implementation of the verse, “And We intend that those who have been rendered weak in the earth to make them the Imams and to make them the heirs” is manifested. Naseel b. Zuhair recounts on the authority of Zaid b. Mataa, ‘The person whose reappearance is eagerly awaited by the people shall rise from the progeny of Imam Husain ibn Ali (a.s.).’ (Kitabul Ghaybah of Shaykh Tusi, vol.2, p. 115) Muhammad b. Abdul Rahman b. Abi Layla reveals, ‘By Allah, Mahdi shall not be born, except from the progeny of Imam Husain (a.s.).’ (Ibid.) EVERYONE WAS AWAITING MAHDI’S REAPPEARANCE From the beginning of the Islamic era, the belief in Mahdi was so firmly entrenched in the hearts and minds of the people, that they fervently awaited his reappearance. The belief in his government of truth and equity was firmly instilled in their psyche. This belief gained further prominence among the masses as a result of the tumult and anguish under the oppressive regimes of the Bani Ummayyah and Bani Abbas caliphs. One indicator of how strongly this belief was ingrained in the hearts of the people is that so many people either claimed the title of Mahdi for themselves, or...
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