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Existence of Imam Mahdi (as) is widely acknowledged

Existence of Imam Mahdi (as) is widely acknowledged Muhammad b. Jafar narrates that we disclosed our difficulties to Maalik b. Anas. He told us to bear patiently until the implementation of the verse, “And We intend that those who have been rendered weak in the earth to make them the Imams and to make them the heirs” is manifested. Naseel b. Zuhair recounts on the authority of Zaid b. Mataa, ‘The person whose reappearance is eagerly awaited by the people shall rise from the progeny of Imam Husain ibn Ali (a.s.).’ (Kitabul Ghaybah of Shaykh Tusi, vol.2, p. 115) Muhammad b. Abdul Rahman b. Abi Layla reveals, ‘By Allah, Mahdi shall not be born, except from the progeny of Imam Husain (a.s.).’ (Ibid.) EVERYONE WAS AWAITING MAHDI’S REAPPEARANCE From the beginning of the Islamic era, the belief in Mahdi was so firmly entrenched in the hearts and minds of the people, that they fervently awaited his reappearance. The belief in his government of truth and equity was firmly instilled in their psyche. This belief gained further prominence among the masses as a result of the tumult and anguish under the oppressive regimes of the Bani Ummayyah and Bani Abbas caliphs. One indicator of how strongly this belief was ingrained in the hearts of the people is that so many people either claimed the title of Mahdi for themselves, or...

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Imam Mahdi’s (as) Existence: An Accepted Fact

Abul Faraj writes: Whenever Jafar bin Mohammed (a.s.) used to see Mohammed ibn Abdullah, he used to cry and say: “May my life be sacrificed for him (Mahdi a.t.f.s.), people think that this person is the Promised Mahdi, but he will soon be martyred. In the book of Ali (a.s.), he has not been included among the Caliphs of the people.” (Maqaatil al-Taalebeen, p.142) He further writes: A group was present near Mohammed bin Abdullah, when Jafar bin Mohammed (a.s.) arrived, and the people welcomed him with a lot of respect. Then Imam (a.s.) enquired about their conversation. They replied: We have decided to pay allegiance to Mohammed bin Abdullah, who is the Promised Mahdi.’ Imam (a.s.) warned: ‘Refrain from this action, because the time of Mahdi’s appearance has not arrived, and Mohammed is not the Mahdi’. (Ibid, p. 141) DE’BAL’S COUPLET REGARDING MAHDI (A.T.F.S.) De’bal, the poet of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) recited his famous couplets in the presence of Imam Reza (a.s.) and in the end, he recited the following verse: “The reappearance of the Imam is certain and imminent He will rise on Allah’s Name and (His) blessings.” Hearing this, Imam Reza (a.s.) started weeping and exclaimed ‘(O De’bal) Ruhul Qudus has spoken through your tongue! Do you know that Imam?’ De’bal replied, ‘No. But I have heard that a person from your progeny will bring about...

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The Reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) and the Descent of Christ (a.s.)

The belief regarding the reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) coupled with the descent of Hazrat Isa (a.s.) from the sky, is among the more commonly accepted beliefs of the Muslims. In fact, even the Christians acknowledge the decent and reappearance of Hazrat Isa (a.s.). Rather for them, Hazrat Isa (a.s.) himself is the promised deliverer from oppression and tyranny. In the light of traditions, of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the rightly guided Imams (a.s.), and their companions (a.r.), it can be proved beyond doubt that Imam Mahdi?s (a.s.) reappearance, shall be closely followed with the descent of Hazrat Isa (a.s.) from the fourth heaven. The latter shall then recite namaz behind Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), and support him in his mission. This being a widely acknowledged belief, the compilers of Sehaah-e-Sittah, Janabe Mohammad Ibn Ismail Bukhari (in his Sahih in Kitabul Ambiya) and Imam Muslim Ibn Hajaj (in his Sahih in Kitabul Imaan) have extensively quoted the companion of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) Abu Hurrairah, in this regard. (1) The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) declared, ?What will happen to you when Isa ibn Maryam (a.s.) descends (from the heavens) and your Imam is in your midst. (Sahihe Bukhari 13/57, Pg. 1272, Kitabul Ambiya; Sahih Muslim, 29/ 1, Pub. by Darul Furqan, 722, Jame Masjid, Delhi, Kitabul Iman) (2) Imam Muslim has also reported a tradition from the famous companion, Jabir Ibn Abdullah...

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Qadianism is the name of a sect which came into the existence at the outset of the twentieth century in the northern part of India with the help and connivance of imperialist Britain. The founder of this sect was a descendant of Mogul lineage viz. Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani (exp. 1908). He was an ordinary sunni who took undue advantage of the turmoil and chaotic conditions prevalent in the country and in the year 1891, he claimed that he himself is the promised Mahdi (A.S.) and Hazrat Isa (A.S.). Later in 1900 he also claimed prophethood. The Muslim scholars and intellectuals have successfully exposed and unearthed the falsehood of Qadianism and particularly the claim of prophethood because since the inception of Islam, all Muslims firmly believe that Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (S.A.) is the last prophet of Islam. As a result, in 1336 A.H. the great savants and scholars of 25 cities in a reply to a question declared that this sect is infidel and out of the realm of Islam. Similarly in the international conference of Rabita-al-Alam-al-Islami which was held in Rabi-ul-Awwal of 1394 (April 1974) in Mecca and which was attended by the learned scholars of 144 countries, passed an unanimous verdict that Qadianism is not an Islamic sect and undoubtedly termed it as infidel. Since a lot of books have been written in refutation of the claim of...

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Has Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) reappeared?

Qadianism is the name of a sect which came into the existence at the outset of the twentieth century in the northern part of India with the help and connivance of imperialist Britain. The founder of this sect was a descendant of Mogul lineage viz. Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani (exp. 1908). He was an ordinary sunni who took undue advantage of the turmoil and chaotic conditions prevalent in the country and in the year 1891, he claimed that he himself is the promised Mahdi (A.S.) and Hazrat Isa (A.S.). Later in 1900 he also claimed prophethood. The Muslim scholars and intellectuals have successfully exposed and unearthed the falsehood of Qadianism and particularly the claim of prophethood because since the inception of Islam, all Muslims firmly believe that Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (S.A.) is the last prophet of Islam. As a result, in 1336 A.H. the great savants and scholars of 25 cities in a reply to a question declared that this sect is infidel and out of the realm of Islam. Similarly in the international conference of Rabita-al-Alam-al-Islami which was held in Rabi-ul-Awwal of 1394 (April 1974) in Mecca and which was attended by the learned scholars of 144 countries, passed an unanimous verdict that Qadianism is not an Islamic sect and undoubtedly termed it as infidel. Since a lot of books have been written in refutation of the claim of...

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