Fabricated Traditions about Imam Mahdi (as)
As regards the tradition mentioned below, we can say that those who took Mohammed b. Abdullah b. Hasan to be the Mahdi added the following phrase to the tradition that ‘His father’s name is my father’s name’. Mohammed b. Yusuf after quoting the above tradition in his book ‘Al-Bayan’ writes that Tirmizi has narrated this tradition in Jaam’e, but has omitted this part Abu Dawood has also reported the tradition without this phrase. Under these circumstances it is apparent that this part was added subsequently to the original tradition. There is also a possibility of a misinterpretation of the tradition. It is quite possible that the original tradition was ‘his father’s name will be on my son’s name’. And later is possible that the word ª ‚ ´ ª ¤ was changed to ” ‚ ª ¤ ´. Abu Huraira narrates from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.): ‘Surely the Mahdi whose name is Mohammed b. Abdullah, stammers.’ (Maqatilut Talebeen pg. 164) This tradition is also fabricated by the supporters of Mohammed b. Abdullah Hasan, as the latter used to stammer, so much so that he had difficulty in speaking. His followers then invented the tradition mentioned above to justify this defect. (Zakhairul Uqba pg. 206) ‘It is narrated by Ibne Abbas that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informed him: There will be a Mahdi from amongst you in the last era....
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