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Fabricated Traditions about Imam Mahdi (as)

As regards the tradition mentioned below, we can say that those who took Mohammed b. Abdullah b. Hasan to be the Mahdi added the following phrase to the tradition that ‘His father’s name is my father’s name’. Mohammed b. Yusuf after quoting the above tradition in his book ‘Al-Bayan’ writes that Tirmizi has narrated this tradition in Jaam’e, but has omitted this part Abu Dawood has also reported the tradition without this phrase. Under these circumstances it is apparent that this part was added subsequently to the original tradition. There is also a possibility of a misinterpretation of the tradition. It is quite possible that the original tradition was ‘his father’s name will be on my son’s name’. And later is possible that the word  ª ‚ ´ ª ¤ was changed to  ” ‚ ª ¤ ´. Abu Huraira narrates from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.): ‘Surely the Mahdi whose name is Mohammed b. Abdullah, stammers.’ (Maqatilut Talebeen pg. 164) This tradition is also fabricated by the supporters of Mohammed b. Abdullah Hasan, as the latter used to stammer, so much so that he had difficulty in speaking. His followers then invented the tradition mentioned above to justify this defect. (Zakhairul Uqba pg. 206) ‘It is narrated by Ibne Abbas that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informed him: There will be a Mahdi from amongst you in the last era....

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Ibn Khaldun Vis-À-Vis Traditions About Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

Personality and prominence often establish or nullify an idea in the minds of the people. Their opinion, often, is of prime importance in understanding a concept. Their opinion creates an impact as compared to that of a common individual. Ibne Khaldun is an eminent scholar of reputation in the Islamic world. His views rule the hearts of a section of Muslims, thus making him popular with titles like `Allama’. Ibne Khaldun’s views have not left the present day scholars unaffected. And so we delve to study his consideration towards the traditions concerning Imam Mahdi (as). Some scholars have subscribed to his viewpoint and consequently the common masses have been affected with it. Here, before bringing the traditions collected by Ibne Khaldun regarding Imam Mahdi (as) and his standpoint with regards to them, we present the Muqaddamah where he has mentioned those traditions. Muqaddamah Of Ibne Khaldun Ibne Khaldun has authored a six volumed book of history entitled “Kitabul Abar wa Deevanal Mubtada wal Khabar fi Ayyamal Arabe wal Ajam wal Barbar”. This book of Ibne Khaldun did not become as popular as the Moqaddamah written on it. The popularity of Ibne Khaldun is more associated with this book. This Muqaddamah is also very popular in Europe, as well. The original Arabic book has been translated into many languages; the English and Urdu translations are easily obtainable in India. Moreover,...

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The origin of the belief in Imam Mahdi (as)

Dr. Zafar: When exactly did the discussion on Mahdi originate? Did it gain currency during the Prophet’s time, or after his demise? Some are of the view that this belief did not exist at all in the beginning of Islam. It became popular only towards the latter half of the first century, when some Muslims ascribed Muhammad b. Hanafiyyah as the ‘Mahdi’ and called the others towards him. Even when Muhammad b. Hanafiyyah expired, they claimed that he was alive, residing in a mountainous cave and would return some day to revive the religion. Professor Nasir Mahdi: The discussion on Mahadaviyat was always popular among the Muslims right from the dawn of Islam. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) had time and again stressed on the Mahdi’s existence. He had taken great pains to clearly explain various aspects of his personality, like his name, his agnomen, his reign, etc. There are plenty of traditions in this regard from the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), which have come to us from various sources, Shia as well as Sunni. Both these sects have considered such traditions as authentic and reliable. We mention here only a few to highlight our claims. Abdullah b. Masood, has narrated from the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) who said, ‘The world shall not terminate till a person from my progeny, called Mahdi, shall rule over the people.’ (Behaarul Anwaar, v. 51, p. 75, Isbaatul Hudaat)...

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The Last Luminary: Imam Mahdi (as)

The present turmoil and disturbances in the world have struck fear in the heart of man. The menacing threat of nuclear wars, the arms race and increasing insecurity have resulted in acute tension and stress. The alarming growth of destructive weapons is a threat to decimate humanity. The corrupt and unscrupulous leaders of the so-called liberal nations have deprived the populace of even their basic necessities. The progressive deprivation of the weaker classes, the entreating voices of the hunger-stricken souls, the alarming rise of the diseased and the looming unemployment and poverty have robbed man of his peace and security. The Moral Decadence of Humanity The heedlessness in religious affairs, negligence in observing divine commands, increasing materialism, corruption, promiscuity have aggrieved the God-fearing and faithful. They hear the warning bells of destruction and focus all their efforts to salvage humanity. Therefore, they throng with expectation at the slightest ray of hope. However, endeavours only culminate in despair. They are so disillusioned that they consider themselves incapable of reforming humanity. They are stripped of their confidence and are overwhelmed by the monumental task confronting them. Sometimes they are inflicted with such despair, that they vent their frustration on science and censure all technological advancement. Man’s future – Shiite viewpoint The Shias have purged their beliefs from the malady of hopelessness and despair. On the contrary, they firmly believe that man’s...

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Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.): As portrayed in Hadith-e-Qudsi

Hadith-e-Qudsi are those concepts and ideas, which are although revealed to the prophets (a.s.) in the same manner as revelations are made but same are expressed in the words and phrases of the prophets and not of Allah. There is a difference between Hadith-e-Qudsi, Quranic verses and the traditions of Infallibles (a.s.). Often Hadith-e-Qudsi was revealed with different messages for different concepts. In this brief disquisition, we would like to ascertain about the various dimensions of the personality of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) but only in the light of Hadith-e-Qudsi: In the luminescent sky of Imamat the position of Hazrat Mahdi(a.t.f.s.) is like a sparkling star. Allah, the Almighty has also remembered Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) with the same agnomen. As said in Hadith-e-Qudsi:- ” Amongst them Al-Qaem is like a sparkling star” (Kamaluddin, pg. 252). As the Holy Quran has also confirmed that:- “that beacon was as if a sparkling star”. (Nur:35) The position of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) could also be understood by the fact that Allah, the Exalted, loves him and holds him dear who endears him. He has made the love of Imam (a.t.f.s.) obligatory upon the people. As it can be found in Hadith-e-Qudsi that : “O Mohammad! Love him (Mahdi) because I love him and whosoever loves him, I love him too. (Kitab-ul-Ghaibat Nomani, Chapter 4, pg. 96). Same love is mentioned in the Holy Quran...

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