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The False Claimants of Deputyship of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

Hitherto we have read about the false claim­ants of Mahdaviyat in various articles and more or less we are aware of their lives and times. In the history of Islam some men were such who claimed the ‘Special Deputyship’ of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) but the divine chastisement descended on them in such a way that their names disappeared into the oblivion. But history has neatly preserved their names in its indelible annals, only to expose their mischief for the common masses, so that they may become aware, learn a lesson and may not commit the formidable mistake of claiming the deputyship for themselves. In Islamic par­lance deputyship means ‘representation’ and deputy means ‘representative and plenipotenti­ary’. Hence the deputy of Imam (a.s.) means that he is an intermediary between the people and Imam (a.s.). This implies that he conveys the message of Imam (a.s.) to the people, refers the questions and problems of the people to Imam (a.s.) and in turn delivers the replies and solu­tions given by Imam (a.s.) to the people. He is known as ‘the Deputy of Imam (a.s.)’. The Types Of Deputyship: There are two types of Deputyship viz. Special Deputyship and General Deputyship. Special Deputyship purports that some person is appointed as a deputy of Imam (a.s.), directly by Imam (a.s.) himself with his name. Then this person is the special deputy of Imam (a.s.). He...

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Mother of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

Real name of Imam Mahdi’s mother was ‘Malika’. but was popularly known as ‘Narjis in Islamic world. Apart from this, he other epithets were ‘Susan’, ‘Saikal’ and ‘Rehana’. Name of her fa­ther was Yusha, son of Qaiser of Rome and her mother was from the progeny of Shamoon Al-Safa, a great follower and vicegerent of Janabe Isa (a.s.). When she was just thirteen her grand father. Qaiser desired to marry her to his nephew. For the grand occasion of marriage all preparations were made. All the dignitaries of the palace right from army commanders, Vazirs, ministers, jurists to priests were present to grace the occasion. When the ceremony was about to begin, suddenly the cross in the palace came down and shattered to pieces. All those present were astonished and regarded it as a bad omen. One night after this she saw a dream. She says, “In my dream I saw Janabe Isa (a.s.) appeared with his dis­ciples and suddenly Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a) appeared and light was emitting from his face and turning to Poem For Imam Mehdi (as)wards Janabe Isa (a.s.) sought my hand for his son Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) and Janabe Isa (a.s.) in turn asked Shamoon. who accepted it with great respect”. She con­cealed her dream and did not relate it to even her father. After four days she again had the vision of...

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Titles of Hazrat Imam-e-Asr (a.s.): Al Mahdi

Prophethood and Imamat were instituted to guide people towards the right path, dissuade them from vanity, restore human qualities, suppress the evil temptation of ones self, living peacefully, curb and eliminate evils such as jealousy, enmity, pride etc. and also to encourage quali­ties such as self-sacrifice, understanding other and preferring others over ones own self. In short, per­fecting all human qualities and to draw people to­wards the stage of self-actualization. Irrational desires are obstruction to guid­ance For overcoming avid desires one must seek guid­ance from a pure soul, who is free from every blem­ish. Prolonged and irrational desires are so forceful that it attracts a person to itself without giving him the opportunity for evaluating its drawbacks. At the beginning, he is carried away but at a later stage he finds himself in a situation where he can­not see light at the end of dark tunnel and ulti­mately is destroyed by it. For safe sailing a ratio­nal attitude to differentiate between ones desires and inclinations. This cannot be achieved instan­taneously. Man climbs the ladder of consciousness slowly and through sweet and sour experiments, civilization has progressed steadily and has reached to present stage where it is perceived to be in final stages of perfection. But one area which is grossly neglected is purification of soul. When intellect will get perfected man will automatically realize this important aspect and will...

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The Pseudo-Mahdi of the nineteenth century: Mahdi-e-Sudani

The fact is hat if there had been no false claimants of Mahdaviyat the belief of Mahdaviyat would have been labeled as artificial and un-lslamic. But since he awn of Islam there had been a continuous flow of false claimants from mong he perpetrators of falsehood. They have appeared in various corners of the orld. In the 19th century some people claimed to be special deputies Naib Khaas) f Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and for some days propagated their false laims. Later hen they found that it is not sufficient for their vile purposes hey claimed o be the Mahdi and then claimed prophethood. But this claim id not influence he majority of the people. Only some selfish or gullible eople supported heir claim. Hence, ultimately they claimed divinity. The reason ehind the writing of this article is to prove that due to these false claimants, the sensible and impartial people conclude that the belief in Mahdaviyat is not unlslamic. Neither is it exclusive to any particular sect of Islam. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has informed about it sometimes to his amily members and sometimes among his companions. The utterances of he Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) make it clear that the belief of Mahdi a.s.) is a belief from the foundations of Islamic doctrine. The rejection of his belief renders one an infidel. The compiler of the book ‘Yanaabiul Mawadda’, ulaiman...

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The Belief of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and the scholars of Medina University

The member of the board of education of Medina Munawwara University (Al Jame Al Islamia Bil Madmatil Munawwara) Professor Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Bin Hamdal Abaad presented a paper in an important seminar which was attended by the vice chancellor Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz. The title of that paper was, “The Belief of Ahle-Sunnat: Signs regarding The Awaited Mahdi.” This article was published in the mouthpiece of the University, “Majlisul Jame Al Islamia” year one issue no.3 Zilqad ul Haraam 1388 A.H. This treatise is comprising of 40 pages of book size and is divided into ten sections: I. An account of those companions who had related traditions regarding Imam Mahdi (a.s.) from the Holy Prophet, (s.a.w.a.). II. An account of the scholars and traditionalists who have mentioned these traditions in their books. III. An account of those scholars who have compiled books based on this subject. IV. An account of those scholars who have labeled these traditions to be Mutawatir (widely related). V. An account of those traditions about Imam Mahdi (a.s.) which are recorded in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. VI. Those traditions which are recorded in other authentic books other than two Sahihs (Bukhari and Muslim). VII. An account of those scholars who have studied these traditions and accepted it as a part of faith. VIII. Those who have rejected those traditions. An account of their...

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