The False Claimants of Deputyship of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)
Hitherto we have read about the false claimants of Mahdaviyat in various articles and more or less we are aware of their lives and times. In the history of Islam some men were such who claimed the ‘Special Deputyship’ of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) but the divine chastisement descended on them in such a way that their names disappeared into the oblivion. But history has neatly preserved their names in its indelible annals, only to expose their mischief for the common masses, so that they may become aware, learn a lesson and may not commit the formidable mistake of claiming the deputyship for themselves. In Islamic parlance deputyship means ‘representation’ and deputy means ‘representative and plenipotentiary’. Hence the deputy of Imam (a.s.) means that he is an intermediary between the people and Imam (a.s.). This implies that he conveys the message of Imam (a.s.) to the people, refers the questions and problems of the people to Imam (a.s.) and in turn delivers the replies and solutions given by Imam (a.s.) to the people. He is known as ‘the Deputy of Imam (a.s.)’. The Types Of Deputyship: There are two types of Deputyship viz. Special Deputyship and General Deputyship. Special Deputyship purports that some person is appointed as a deputy of Imam (a.s.), directly by Imam (a.s.) himself with his name. Then this person is the special deputy of Imam (a.s.). He...
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