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Seeking Mediation (Tawassul) of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

To seek a mediator implies to gain proximity to an individual in order to achieve one’s objective through the mediator’s recommendation and arbitration. Arabic litterateurs define mediation (tawassul) as ‘When he sought proximity with him through his actions, he aspired to gain his mediation.’ (Lisanul Arab vol. 11, pg. 724) Mediation in the light of Quran and traditions Allah declares in the Quran ‘O you who believe! Be (careful of your duty to) Allah and seek nearness to Him and strive hard in His way that you may succeed.’ (Surah Maidah, Verse 35) Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) in exposition of this verse narrates ‘Acquire proximity with Allah through the Imam.’ (Tafsire Qummi, vol. 1 pg. 168) Janabe Fatema Zahra (s.a.) proclaims in her sermon, ‘Glorify Allah, whose majesty and supremacy command glorification and veneration. And it has been made mandatory upon the residents of the heavens and the earth to seek a mediator towards Allah, and we Ahle Bait (a.s.) are the mediators appointed by Allah upon His creatures.’ (Sharhe Nahjul Balagha, vol. 2, pg. 211, by Ibne Abil Hadid) Thus Quran and traditions alike, exhort the Muslims to secure some arbitrator in order to gain proximity with Allah, and achieve eternal deliverance. Why seek mediation of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Any Shia is bound to think, ‘What is the rationale for us to seek mediation of our Imam?’ There...

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Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and Justice

Irrespective of their sects, Muslims through­out the world believe that, “When Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) will establish his government, peace, brotherhood, equality, justice and eq­uity will spread to every nook and corner of the world. He will rescue the oppressed ones from the hands of the tyrants. And everybody will enjoy the bounties of the nature equally. He will establish such a government which will be free from all tyranny and evil. It will be free from war and bloodshed.” For, the aim of rising of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) will be to establish peace and equity. Holy Quran in different ways and at different places has prophesied that the pious and the weak will be the inheri­tors of this world. In other articles we have discussed the verses in detail. Traditions about Justice: Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in a very comprehensive and eloquent way has prophesied about the Justice of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). He says “Allah will raise a man from my progeny. He will fill the earth with justice and equity as it would be filled with tyranny and oppression.” In the initial part of this tradition he (s.a.w.a.) has assured us that before the world comes to end, it will be filled with equity and justice. Cause of Expedience A few questions may arise in our minds “Why is Allah delaying the establishment of a government of peace and justice?...

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Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in Hadise Qudsi

Like the verses of Holy Quran, Hadise Qudsi is also the divine word. However, there are few factors that separate the two: The Holy Quran was revealed as a miracle, while Hadise Qudsi was not. The words and concepts in the Holy Quran are that of Allah, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) merely conveyed the same to the ation with care and precision. While in Hadise Qudsi, the concept is that of Allah, however, the words and expressions belong to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). In namaz, during Qirat, only the chapters from the Holy Quran can be recited (Derayatul Hadis, Kazim Mudir Shaanechi, pg. 13) Hadise Qudsi is divine word. Shias and Sunnis have written entire books on Hadise Qudsi, focusing only on divine concepts delivered in prophetic speech. Two books that deserve a mention in this regard are that of Shaikhul Muhaddesseen, Muhammad b. Hasan Ali Husain Al Hurre Aameli (the uthor of Waasaelush Shia) who has written Al-Jawaherus Saniyya fil Ahaadisil Qudsiyya and Sayed Hasan Shirazi who has compiled Kalimatullah. Importance of belief in Mahdaviyyat Apart from the Quran and traditions, Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) has been elaborately mentioned in Hadise Qudsi as well. The previous divine books like Torah, Zaboor and other scriptures have mentioned that the earth will never be devoid of a divine proof. The past prophets had clearly indicated that the series of divine succession...

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Muntakhab al-Asar: A treasure-trove of Imam Mahdi’s (a.t.f.s.) recognition

Readers of the Al-Muntazar magazine will remember that in the 1408 AH Shaaban issue, we had explained the importance of recognition of Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) by introducing some books on the subject. We had pointed out that scholars are an important media for the spiritual growth and development of the Islamic nation. This is the only way our culture and tradition will be enriched. While many books have been compiled across different topics, the topic of Mahdaviyat has occupied centre stage. In the previous issues of Al-Muntazar we have introduced some of these books. We take this opportunity to introduce another book on the subject. Name of the Book: Muntakhab al-Asar Fee Al Imam al-Saani al-Ashar Language: Arabic Author: Ayatullah Lutfullah Saafi Gulpaygani (May Allah prolong his blessed life) Pages: 525 Publisher: Maktabat Al Sadr, Tehran (3rd edition) Year of printing: 28th Ramazan 1373 Hijri Please Note: In this particular article, we have considered the edition of Muntakhab Al- Asar, which is in one volume. Recently, another edition in three volumes has been published that has a detailed analysis of traditions and has significant supporting material to the original book. Before beginning with the book, we feel it is important to mention a few words about its author viz. Ayatullah Lutfullah Saafi Gulpaygani (may Allah prolong his blessed life). He was born on the 19th Jamaadi Al Awwal 1337 Hijri...

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Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in the eyes of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)

The discussion of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is so critical that most of the important Islamic personalities have made some mention about it in their writings and sermons. Here we shall chronicle some of the traditions and sermons of Ammerul Momeneen, Hazrat Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.), who has spoken at length on this topic. It is vital that we gain maximum marefah from these sermons and traditions so that we may avert a death of ignorance and apostasy. Commencement with Ali (a.s.), conclusion with Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Often we learn about the conclusion from the commencement. Ameerul Momeneen (a.s.) is the first Imam, while Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is the last one. Then we should draw some information about the last Imam from the first one. Ali (a.s.) reveals, The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informed me, Allah has favored us, the Ahle Bait, with seven persons, that He has not conferred on anyone before us, nor will He bestow it on anyone after us, viz., In our family is the Messenger of Allah, the chief of all Prophets and the seal of Prophethood. The Prophets (s.a.w.a.) successor, Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.), is more elevated than all other successors. He is the beloved of Allah, more than all other successors. His (s.a.w.a.) two grandsons, Hasan and Husain, are the most excellent of grandsons. Our martyrs enjoy a distinction higher than the other...

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