Alghaibah Serdab
Mahdi and his place of Occultation The circumstances of occultation of abul-qasim muhammad-ibn-hassan Mahdi (a.s.) (which we have previously mentioned) is correct in the views of we shiah-Imamiahs and the manner of his concealment is the same as what the great scholars and traditionists (whom we trust and rely on their saying) have narrated. However what some of the common shia’s say in this regard and the sunni scholars attribute them to us is lacking in any evidence and proper transmission. What we had previously mentioned about the circumstances of Mahdi’s occultation is correct in our view but such matters like: where was Mahdi at the time of his father’s demise? where did he go into concealment or in which portion of his house he concealed himself? whether he went over the top of his house or went down in the ‘sardab’ (cellar)? whether he hid himself in the house or fled from its door? are all uncertain. Verily, what appears customary is that he should have remained in the house besides his great father at the time of his father’s demise why shouldn’t it be so, especially if we consider that Mahdi at that time was only a child (apparently) and besides had no other place other than his parents house. perhaps this matter can be infered from the tradition of ahmad-ibn-obaidullah-ibn-yahya-ibn-khaqan because hazrat at that time was...
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