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Reasons For The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Reasons For The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) 1. Free From Allegience Of Every Tyrant Amirul Momineen Alt (A.S.) said, “Certainly’, when the Qaem from among us shall arise, he will not have the allegience of any one upon his neck. It is for this reason that his birth is secret and his person is in Ghaibat.” (Kamaaluddin Vol.1. Pg.303) It must be mentioned that all of our Imams had to pledge allegience to every tyrant ruler except for a short period during the rule of Umar ibne Abdul Aziz. This was because, on the face of it, it would seem that they are not against the ruler, In this way they could protect Islam. In the absence of popular support, the Imams were left alone and thus they entered into an understanding with the rulers. Thus even Imam Husain (A.S.) for a particular period did not find it necessary to revolt against the regime of Muawiya. In this regard Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) says: “Verily each of my ancestors had the oath of allegience, upon their necks, of their contemporary tyrant rulers. But I will reappear at such a time that I will not have any tyrant’s allegience upon my neck.” (Ghaibat Tusi Pg.292, Kamaaluddin VoL2. Pg.485) 2. Test Of The People Imam al Kazim (A.S.) said, “My son ! when the fifth descendant of the seventh of the...

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Religiousness During The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Religiousness During The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) said: “O Ali know that the most strangest of the people of Imaan and the greatest of them in certainty are those people who will be in Aakheruzzamaan (the last period of time). They will not meet the Prophet. And their Imam will be hidden from them. But they will believe (only) due to black upon white.” (Kamaaluddin vol.1 Pg.288) The “black upon white” means the writings on paper. It means that these people will believe in the Quran and the sunnat as recorded in the books, even though they may not see their Imam (A.S.). Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.) said: “Certainty, the master of this affair has an occupation. Then those who are the pious servants of Allah, will hold firmly to their faith”. (Al Kafi vol.1 Pg.335 and 336, Ghaibat-e-Toosi Pg.455. Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.169) Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.) said: “Blessed are our followers (the shiites) who during the time of occupation (Ghaybah) of the Imam of the Age, identify themselves with our Authority (wilayah) and keep away from our enemies. They belong to us and we belong to them. They have accepted our leadership and we are pleased with their adherence. Therefore, blessed are they. I swear to Allah that they will be with us in our rank in Paradise”. (Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.361. Kifayatul Asar Pg.265-266)...

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Waiting for a Savior in other Religions

Waiting for a Savior in other Religions In many religions there is an expectation for a savior to come and help the release from injustice. In Islam it is ‘Mahdawai’ which has a great international philosophy, because Islam is an international religion and Shia in its real meaning is an international factor. In addition to the Muslims especially the Shia, followers of other religions like Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Hindus expect someone to come and bring peace and justice to the world. In the book “Dead” which is a divine book for Hindus, it is written: “In the end of the world, after corruption of the world, a leader will appear who is called Mansoor. He will master all the world, he will know everyone whether a believer or an unbeliever, and whatever he asks, God will offer him”. (Beshatrat Ahdin, p.245). In addition, in the book “Yamaseb” by Zoroaster’s student it is written: “From Arabs ground , Hashim’s sons, a man with a big head, big body and big feet comes out, and continues his grandfather’s religion with a large army, goes to Iran and constructs the earth and fills the earth with justice”. (Beshatrat Ahdin, p.258). And in the Old Testament the book of Genesis 18:20 “And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; Behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and I will...

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Muhammad al-Mahdi

Muhammad al-Mahdi (Peace be Upon him) Name: Muhammad. Title: al-Mahdi, al-Qa’im, al-Hujjah, al-Gha’ib, Sahibu’z-Zaman, Sahibu ‘l-Amr. Agnomen: Abu’l-Qasim. Father’s name: al-Hasan al-‘Askari. Mother’s name: Nargis. Birth: In Samarra’, on Friday, 15th Sha’ban 255 AH. He is still living and will appear before the end of the world. Minor Occultation: 8th Rabi ‘u ‘I-awwal 260 AH. Major Occultation: 10th Shawwal 329 AH. There Existed a good deal of harmony and uniformity between the aspects pertaining to the births of Prophet Muhammad, the last Apostle of Allah and Imam al-Mahdi, the last Apostolic Imam. Just as the coming of the Holy Prophet was prophesied well in advance by the preceding prophets, similarly the impending news of the gracious birth of Imam al-Mahdi was foretold by the Holy Prophet. Innumerable traditions in this context, quoted right from the Holy Prophet, from the glowing contents of many books of Masanid, Sihah and Akhbar, and of Shi’ite scholars (‘ulama’) existed Many Sunni scholars have accumulated these traditions in complete volumes also, e.g.: al-Bayan fi akhbar Sihibi’z-Zaman by al-Hafiz Muhammad ibn Yusuf ash-Shafi’i and Dhikriyyatu’l- Mahdi by al-Hafiz Abu Nu’aym al-Isfahani as well as as-Sahih of Abu Dawud and as-Sunan of Ibn Majah. All of the above books record the traditions bearing evidence of the coming of this Holy Imam. The promised Mahdi, who is usually mentioned by his title of Imamu’l-‘Asr (the Imam of...

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BIRTH OF IMAM MAHDI A.S. IN AHLE SUNNAH A number of traditions have been narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) of Islam and the truthful Imams of Ahle-bayt (a.s.), regarding the uprising of Qaem-al-Mahdi towards the end of this world and his overthrowing the unjust and tyrant rulers and filling the earth with justice and fair play. Hence the unjust Abbasi caliphs were very much afraid of the uprising of Qaem al Mahdi, They utilized their entire resources to finish him. Ten years before the birth of Hazrat Mahdi (ATFS), the then caliph called his grandfather Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) from Medina to capital Samarrah so that a close watch can be made on his family. In the time of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.), the spies of the government in the forms of doctors midwives and hawkers kept a close watch that im Mahdi-e-Mawood is born he may be immediately killed. Under these circusmstances it was clear that the birth of Imam al Mahdi will be a concealed one like the birth of Hazrat Ibraheem (a.s.) and Hazrat Moosa (a.s.). The concealed birth of Imam al Mahdi (a.s.) was taken by some people that he is not born rather he will be born later. We would like to produce certain arguments as evidences to show that Imam al Mahdi (a.s.) is already born. 1-A lots of traditions have been...

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