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H.MAHDI A.S CAUSE OF SURVIVAL OF THE UNIVERSE The Imam or the divine representative is needed not merely for the dissemination of the rules of the Shariah and their compliance. That is, his duty is not confined only to the guidance of the world but the whole creation depends upon him for their existence. If Imam ceases to exist, the entire system would collapse. It is related from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) that he stated, “If Imam (A.S.) is absent from the world even for a moment, the earth would suck in all its inhabitants like the stormy sea drowns the seafarers. (Ghaibat-e-Nomani, p. 139, Chap. 8, Hadith No. 10) Nearly all Muslims are unanimous in their belief that the world has been created for the sake of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and his purified progeny (A.S.). A well-known Hadith-e-Qudsi is that the Almighty Allah told the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) “But for you I would not have created the skies.” In another tradition, He says, “I have created you for Myself and the rest of the things for your sake. ” IMAM (A.S.) : THE SOUL OF UNIVERSE Hazrat Ali (A.S.) in a couplet has compared man to the ‘Greatest Creation’. The oft-heard couplet is as follows :- “Do you think that you are an insignificant speck whereas a great world is concealed in you.” Man’s heart is the...

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RECOGNITION OF HAZRAT MAHDI (A.S) “All praise is for Allah, who has guided me, if He would have not guided me, I would have not been guided” (Sentence from Dua-e-Iftetah) Allah has created man for his worship, even wisdom also guide that man should worship Allah, since obedience to Allah is the best way to thanks for His bounty which He has bested upon the His servant. Since wisdom is unable to guide man how to worship Allah and those who relied upon it you have seen that they have deviated the true path and landed in worshiping some other God other then Allah. Therefor Allah has send messenger to invite the people towards the (worship of the) true God. The aim of Prophet is to just remind the people about their innate recognition of a man about Allah, and the promise which he has done with Allah in Alam-e-Zar (before creation) that he will worship only Allah. While coming to this world man forget his promise to Allah and involved himself in the activity which was forbidden for him, therefore Allah has started sending one prophet after another to guide the man in this world and remove the curtain which has come in between the recognition of Allah. Since due to the immense mercy of Allah, He did not stop the messenger after Holy Prophet of Islam, and...

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THE NEED OF RECOGNIZING ALLAH’S PROOF IN WORSHIPPING ALLAH Allah has created man for His worship. Even wisdom dictates that worshipping God is necessary for man. Obedience to Him is the best way of thanking Him for His bounties. However, wisdom on its own is unable to establish the method of worship, as this is beyond its limit. Those who relied on their wisdom in determining the methods of worship were deviated. They ended up worshipping someone other than Allah. Allah sent the Messenger to invite the people towards the (worship of the) True God. The Apostles tried to arouse man’s ‘innate recognition’ of God through reminders. They taught man the correct way of worshipping Allah so that their worship may become a means of attaining nearness to Him. The words and actions of Prophets (a.s.) turns the focus of the people towards Allah. The people then beseech Allah regarding all their matters. Here it is necessary to highlight a very crucial point. How do we distinguish between a true and a false Prophet/Imam? In order to discern between the true Prophet/Imam and an imposter we should observe his assertions and conduct. If his words and deeds refrain the people, from disobedience and rebelliousness and invite them towards the worship of Allah, then indeed he is a true Prophet/Imam. As against this, if his assertions and conduct incite the...

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PROPAGATE THE REMEMBRANCE OF YUSUF-E-ZAHRA (A.T.F.S.) The Divine Personality of the last nominee of the last Prophet of Islam (A.s.), will spread the teachings of Islam in the four corners of the world. He will change the strife-torn, miserable, unjust and tyrannical world into a garden of peace, justice and tranquility virtue and righteousness. He will gather all the disintegrated true believers on the platform of purity and righteous persons, their due status & honour in the society, whilst the enemies, the unjust and evil persons will be degraded and dishonored. He is the son of Ummul-Momineen Hazrat Khadija (S.A.), the Queen among the Arab ladies, He is the apple of the eyes of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.) the lady of the two worlds – This and the hereafter – and Ali (A.S.), the magnificent, leader of the Pious Believers. He is the chosen son of the Holy Prophet of Islam Mohammad-e-Mustafa (Pbuh) the last jewel in the crown of Prophethood. He is the one who is the responsible personality of Islam, the only divine representative on this earth. He is none other than Hazrat Hujjat Ibnil Hasan-Al-Askari, Mahdi, Aakhrezzaman. THE MEANING OF THE TITLE IMAM-E-ZAMANA (A.S.) A title reflects the personality of man. His characteristics and qualities are projected through it. Nowadays such instances are extremely numerous where this dictum rarely comes true. The titles are some times...

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Why pray for Hazrat Vali – Asr

Why pray for Hazrat Vali – Asr Whenever supplications are made for the health and well-being of Hazrat Mahdi (A. S.) or charity is paid on his behalf then some people raise the question. ‘It is because of his majestic self that the whole world is safe and secure, only because of his blissful presence this universe is thriving, then what does praying for him imply’? This whole Universe, earth and skies survive because of him, then why to give charity on his behalf? Let us examine this question in the following para­graphs. 1) Our supplications for Imam (A. S.) could be likened to a humble gift offered by a needy destitute to a very great King. This gift implies that this humble mendicant needs the grace of the king and thus wants to draw his attention. It does not mean at all that the king is in need of this gift. It is only a humble memento presented by a slave to his noble master. 2) According to the tradi­tions the reappearance of Hazrat falls in the category of those incidences in which ‘Bada’ is akin to occur. If we really pray from the depth of our hearts then perchance the appointed time of his reap­pearance may advance and his re­appearance may take place earlier. “When sufferings and calamities were aggravated for Bani Israel and this period was...

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