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Identifying the Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

Identifying the Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) The contemporary Scholar, Safi Golpaygani, has collected all these traditions in his book: Muntakhab al-athar, citing their Sunni and Shi’i sources. Following is the list of the subject and the number of traditions on that subject: 91 Hadith on: “The Imams are twelve in number, among whom the first is Ali b. Abi Talib and the last is the Mahdi.” 94 Hadith on: “The Imams are twelve, and the last one is the Mahdi.” 107 Hadith on: “The Imams are twelve, nine among whom are the descendants of Husayn, and the ninth is the Qa’im.” 389 Hadith on: “Mahdi is from among the progeny of the Prophet.” 214 Hadith on: “Mahdi is from among the descendants of Ali.” 192 Hadith on: “Mahdi is from among the descendants of Fatima.” 185 Hadith on: “Mahdi is from among the descendants of Husayn.” 148 Hadith on: “Mahdi is the nineth descendant of Husayn.” 185 Hadith on: “Mahdi is among the descendants of Ali b. al-Husayn.” 103 Hadith on: “Mahdi is among the descendants of Imam Muhammad Baqir.” 103 Hadith on: “Mahdi is among the descendants of Imam Ja’far Sadiq.” 99 Hadith on: “Mahdi is the sixth descendant of Imam Sadiq.” 101 Hadith on: “Mahdi is among the descendants of Imam Mْsa al-Kazim.” 98 Hadith on: “Mahdi is the fifth descendant of Imam Qaim.” 95 Hadith on: “Mahdi is...

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A FEW QUESTIONS TO VALI-E-ASR(A.T.F.S.) Admittedly the title seems to suggest that the person (who has posed the questions to Imam a.s.) actually had the distinction of meeting Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.). Hence we would like to clarify at the outset that we have not actually met Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.). However, it is said that letters and messages are “half a meeting”. Because, through letters a person ‘converses’ with the addressee. Thus the style of writing a letter is very different from that of writing an essay or a book . On the commands of Allah, Hazrat Vali-e-Asr is in occultation right from the commencement of his Imamat. Hence as opposed to his forefathers (a.s.), Imam’s meetings with his Shias have been few and far between. By and large, the problems of the people have been presented before his esteemed self in the form of letters and “Areeza” (“Areeza” is a letter of requests written by the Shias to the Imam of their time). And Imam (a.s.) too has reciprocated in a similar manner. The letters of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) are terminologically called as “Tawqee”. These Tawqees have been assimilated in several books. Hazrat Ayatullah Syed Hasan Shirazi (may Allah purify his soul) has compiled these letters in a book by the name of “Kalemat-ul-Imam al-Mahdi”. This single book contains all the letters of Imam (a.s.) which are found in different books. Originally...

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A SIGNED PROCLAMATION FROM IMAM-E-ASR (A.T.F.S.) Though at present we are living away from the dominions of the oppressors and till the unjust rule the world, the Almighty has considered it better for us and our Shias that I stay away from them. But despite this separation, I am cognizant of all your affairs. Nothing pertaining to you is hidden from us. Whenever you experience insults, I come to know of it. This is from the time some of you began to do those acts which were shunned by your ancestors. These people have thrown behind their covenant with Allah as if it had never been made. We are never negligent in your protection nor are we forgetful of your remembrance. (If our protection and guidance had not been there) misfortunes would have befallen you and the enemies would have destroyed you. Be fearful of Allah and help us (our cause) which will save you from the corruption that has surrounded you. Soon, clear signs from the heavens will be manifested for you and signs will appear on the earth as well. Disastrous and sorrowful incidents will occur in the east. Thereafter, Iraq will be ruled by people who are completely away from Islam. Due to their vile deeds, the people of Iraq will experience an acute shortage of sustenance. Then after a long time, when the tyrannical rulers...

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MASTER ! ASSUAGE OUR HEARTS “0 Allah ! Assuage our hearts through Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.)” – (Dua-e-lftetaah) The religion that has come to perfect human ethics, to create the feelings of brotherhood, love and amity in the depth of hearts of the people and to eliminate enmity, injustice and inequality. Then why do people say, “Islam is the best religion but Muslims are the worst people.” Why are the Muslims a divided lot? Why do they harbor malice, hatred and enmity against each other? Why are their hearts disunited? Why do they detest each other? There is only one reply to all these questions. We are neither aware of the way our Imams lived nor of their instructions and guidance. Even if we have some knowledge, we are not ready to act upon it. The result obviously is discord, disharmony and disputes. . Let us examine our habits and customs in the light of the injunctions of our present Imarn, Hujjat ibnal Hasan al Askari (may Allah hasten his reappearance). Let us see how steadfast we are upon his teachings. Are we straying far away away from him instead of becoming closer to him? Are we among those people of whom Imarn (A.S.) has said, “…Then nothing keeps us away from them but those reports about their actions which we do not expect from them.” (Behaar, Vol. 53, p. 176)...

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THE MEANING OF THE TITLE IMAM-E-ZAMANA (A.S.) A title reflects the personality of man. His characteristics and qualities are projected through it. Nowadays such instances are extremely numerous where this dictum rarely comes true. The titles are some times promiscuous bestowed without knowing the actual meaning by the patrons and by the patronized which is out of context here. The Prophets of God are familiar by the titles added with their names which throw light on their prolity and innate qualities endowed in them by the creator. The prophet Moses (A.S.) is addressed as “Kaleem-Ullah” as he had conversation with the Creator of the world, while our last prophet as is specifically mentioned in the Holy Book is known as Rehmatullil Alamin – the one whose existence is a source and fountain of blessings in this world and in the world here after. Like – wise his progeny is also profusely blessed. Unlike others, the appellations of dignity of Imame-e-Zaman (A.S.) have each got their own significance separately. Janab Muhaddis Noori (may God shower His blessings on him) the author of the book “Najm us Saquib” has mentioned one hundred eighty two names and titles of Imam-e-Zamana with positive references. Those who are fond of reciting prayers (Dua) not only for consecration and happiness but with a view to attain and get mastery of the philosophy and high ideals...

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