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The spectacle of Imam Husain's (a.s.) martyrdom

The spectacle of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) martyrdom in the words of Imam Mahdi (A.T.F.S.) The monumental incident of Karbala has been illustrated in historical books vividly, and at great length. However, some historians have recorded this incident without adequate research on this topic. This has robbed their works of credibility. On the contrary, their account of the incident of Karbala has become the subject of intense debates and controversies among the common Muslims. Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) has depicted the incident of Karbala in ‘Ziarate Naahiyah’, in graphic detail, highlighting the enormity of this incident. This can only be expected from Imam (a.t.f.s.), as he alone is the inheritor and successor of Imam Husain (a.s.), and knows best what atrocities were heaped on the latter in Karbala. We have mentioned below extracts from this heart wrenching account of the incident of Karabala, that underlines the grief of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), for his grandfather, Imam Husain (a.s.). Imam (a.t.f.s.) being the Imam of his time has power over everything after Allah. When he narrates this incident, it is as if the incident actually unfolds before his very eyes. He from his ‘Ilme Ghaib’ (knowledge of the unseen) is aware of certain facets of Karbala, that even the most astute historian could never discern. That is why in many ways this is the most reliable account of Karbala. On reading this narrative,...

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THE TAWQEE OF IMAM-E-ZAMANA (A.S.) CONCERNING MANSUR-E-HALLAJ In the history of Islam, we find many personalities, who due to their beliefs or propaganda or both, were able to influence the society to such an extent that the common people were carried away by them. Erudite scholars and renowned thinkers too were not exempted. One such person was Abul Mugees al Husain Bin Mansur Muhammi Al Bayzaawi Al Hallaj, a well-known SufI. AI-Hallaj is also known in Persian, Turkish and Urdu literature as ‘Mansur’. He was born in 244 A.H. in the district of Pars at a place called “Tur’ which is to the north – east to ‘Al Bayza’. It is said that Hallaj was the grandson of a fire-worshipper and was from the progeny of Abu Ayyub, a companion of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). His father was a (cotton) carder but he himself was not. His father left Tur for Waasit. Waasit is a town which was founded by the Arabs whose inhabitants were mostly Hanbalis. Some extremist Shias (Ghalis) also resided in it’s rural areas. In such an environment, Hallaj lost touch of Persian conversation. An important Madressa of Quranic recitors existed there. Here, he memorised the whole Quran before the age of twelve. Even in that tender age, he was inclined to search for it’s hidden meanings. He aligned himself with the Sufi school of Sahl-e-Tustari....

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IMAM and WILAYAT To those who have acquaintance (even though a little) with the invaluable treasure of Shiite traditions and the precious heritage of the immaculate Imams (A.S.), the importance of “Imamah” (leadership) and “Wilayah” (vicegerency) amongst the various discussions in this treasure and heritage is not concealed. If we superficially glance over the whole set of traditions we will come across such chapters as: (Chapter concerning the need of a Hujjah) (Chapter concerning the necessity of possessing knowledge of Imam (Chapter concerning non-acceptance of deeds except by means of Wilayah) and therein, we see and read at times the Imams saying: “If the earth remains without a leader (even) for an hour it will perish.1″‘ “The one who dies while he has not recognized his time has died the death of ignorance.”2 1.Biharul Anwar 23 page 21, number 20. 2.Same reference page 78, number “Islam has been established on five pillars: Salat (prayers), Zakat (alms-tax), Saum (fasting), Haj (pilgrimage) and Wilayah (vicegerency). Amongst these, none has been invited the way Wilayah has been invited ) About the questioning on the Day of Retribution, they have said: “When a slave appears before his Lord, Exalted be He, the first matter which he will be questioned about is the obligatory , players, the obligatory alms-tax, the obligatory fasting, the obligatory pilgrimage and our Wilayah. If he has confessed to our...

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REMEMBERING IMAM (A.S.) AN IMPORTANT RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibilities during the major occultation (Ghaibat) of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) have been dealt with in great detail in the book, ‘Mikyalul Makarem Fi Favaidid Dua lil Qaem’ (a.t.f.s.) by Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani (r.a.). He has highlighted the responsibilities in the second volume of the book. Just by looking at the responsibilities outlined in the book it should be clear to the reader that fulfilling these duties is beneficial to us and forsaking them is detrimental to our interests. We realise that executing these responsibilities is proof of our love and attachment for Imam (a.t.f.s.). Performance of action is an important indication of strength of faith. Moreover, it makes one successful in this world and the hereafter. Inshallah, we will discuss another important responsibility, which is fairly easy to observe and very beneficial. The duty is remembering Imam (a.t.f.s.) and reminding others about him (a.t.f.s.). This responsibility can be accomplished individually as well as socially. The first step in fulfilling this duty is to increase our love towards Ahle Bait (a.s.). Books are laden with traditions regarding the love of Ahle Bait (a.s.). Here, we will outline three traditions dealing with the topic. (1) Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says: ‘Surely for every act of worship, there is another superior to it and the love of us – Ahle Bait – is...

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Holy Prophet (s.a.w) Warns

Holy Prophet (s.a.w) Warns “One who dies without recognizing the Imam of his time,then his death is that of an ignorant person” (Yanabiul Muadda, Vol 39 Page 137.) The main aim of this site is to enlighten the people and to make them aware of the vital and significant position of our Present Imam. (Imam Mahdi a.s.) His position is so exalted that many people have tried to take his place they have taken the advantage of his occultation and have made many people believe that they are the real Imam the present Hujjat of God in this world. With their false proclamation and devious means they have deviated many innocent Muslims from their true path and lead them ashtray into a new religion formed by them. But the fact, which cannot be ignored, is that, however tall the proclamation made by them might be and whatever ways might be adopted by them these pseudo Mahdis can never prove themselves as the proclaimed one. There is a great proverb “All that glitters is not gold” It truly applies in this case. If an ignorant man is given a copper coin and he is told that it is a gold coin, he will believe it. But a person who is well familiar with a gold coin won’t be fooled. Also if the ignorant man is told about the properties of...

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