The Awaited Saviour – Imam al-Mahdi
The Awaited Saviour – Imam al-Mahdi “The belief in an expected reformer and a saviour of humanity is not peculiar to the Shia school of Islam. It is common not only to all the Muslim sects, but is also shared by all the great religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. In this quest for the truth about the Mahdi, there is no distinction of any caste, creed, or country. The quest is universal, just as the Mahdi himself is universal. He stands resplendent high above the narrow walls in which humanity is cut up and divided. He belongs to everybody. For all that and much more, what exactly is the Mahdi?” Contents: A note on Imam Mahdi The Saviour’s Return — Who and What of the Mahdi Some objections about the Mahdi Replies to the objections -(a) Longevity Replies to the objections -(b) Suspension of Laws Replies to the objections -(c) His training for the mission Replies to the objections -(d) Reasons for his continued existence Replies to the objections -(e) Reasons for delay in his appearance Replies to the objections -(f) His superhuman role Replies to the objections -(g) His modus operandi The Saviour’s Revolution -(h) The Final Victory The Quran and History Interpretation of the Evolution of History Dialectic Approach Human Approach Two concepts about man The Great Expectation al-Mahdi: in the light of Hadith...
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