THE LAST LUMINARY At dawn, on the 15th Sha’ban 255 AH., the rays of the illuminating world shone with a powerful shaft of light into a human form which became the source of existence for the universe. Yes, finally, the Divine Promise was fulfilled and Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.) was born in spite of the efforts of those who denied him. It is one of history’s miracles that the Umayyids, ‘Abbasides and other opponents of this Holy Imam attempted to extinguish this divine light but met with complete failure. The cruel and tyrannical caliphs of the Bani ‘Abbas had heard that the Twelfth Imam of the Shi’ites would establish a just Government and would rule over the east and west of the world, and would destroy the foundations of injustice. Therefore, to counter this event, they tortured and shed the blood of the Shi’ites as much as they could. The conditions of the martyred Shi’ites can be referred in the books on this subject. (16) In the year 235 A. H., Mutawakkil, the ‘Abbasid caliph, ordered the Tenth Imam Muhammad al-Hadi (a.s.) and his family to be shifted from Medina to Samarra, his seat of government, so that he could keep a close watch on the Imam of the Shi’ites. (17) Similarly, Mu’tamjd, the ‘Abbasid caliph, the Pharaoh of the time, was afraid of the son of Imam Hasan al-‘Askari...
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