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Imam Zaman (a.s.) and Shaikh-e-Mufeed (r.a.)

Imam Zaman (a.s.) and Shaikh-e-Mufeed (r.a.) If we turn the pages of history we will find numerous examples of personalities who have enlivened Islam through their sacrifices of life and wealth. One such personality is Abu Abdullah Muhammad Haaris Akbari famous as Shaikh Mufeed (r.a.). Mufeed implies the one who benefits others. He was born approximately seven years after the commencement of Ghaibat-e-Kubra in the month of Zilqad, 336 A.H. in the north of Baghdad. Shaikh Mufeed (r.a.) with the help of his vast knowledge passed through various difficulties and welcomed all the obstacles that came his way with a smile. He sipped real recognition from the ocean of Wilayat and quenched the thirst of the followers of Wilayat. He was attached to the infallible Imam (a.s.) and the Shias benefited immensely from him. This man of medium height and wheatish complexion had a ready solution for problems of a religious, ethical and social nature. It is because of this that he had become a thorn in the eyes of his opponents. At the age of 40 years, he shouldered the great responsibility of defending the Shiite creed. It was an era when Greek and Hindu philosophies were rupturing the fabric of traditional Islam. Twisted beliefs and concocted views were finding their way into the realm of Islam. The enemies of Allah had prepared the groundwork to extinguish the...

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Who rises from the lap of the earth?

Who rises from the lap of the earth? Everybody has to depart after doing their time on this earth, irrespective of him being the Emperor of the Universe or an unknown beggar. As a poet says, Now there is neither Rustam nor Saam, Nay! Only their names exist, nothing else. Gradually, even the domain of ‘name’ reduces and the word ‘exists’ sinks in the tempest of time. It is a living reality that annihilation is destined for everything. Nothing will survive save Allah the Almighty, Who created eternity and has power over non-existence. Here, annihilation does not imply non-existence; rather, it is used in the meaning of death. Therefore, Allah the Almighty declares that when this earth will die, He will grant it a new life. Obviously, when life will be anew, then all things will wear the luster of newness. New hopes, new desires, new endowments, new light of the morn, new kohl of the evening, new human society, new social relations; wails giving way to songs of divinity, new people, new earth, new sky, new seasons, new deserts, new mountains, etc. All thoughts will be transformed. Every imagination will fly to the pinnacles of horizon with the wings of reality. The Satanic shadows of evil whisperings and baseless conjecture, along with their scary faces, will be rendered non-existent. The hearts of one and all will be so...

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Era of Occultation – A Time of Ordeal and Examination

Era of Occultation – A Time of Ordeal and Examination Introduction The present era, in which we are living, is known as ‘Ghaibat Kubra’ (major occultation). It is a period when there is no special representative of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) through whom we can contact him or correspond with him (a.t.f.s.). This era will continue till as long as Allah wishes and Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) does not reappear. When he (a.t.f.s.) does reappear, people will be blessed with the opportunity to meet him in person. They will get the good fortune of presenting themselves in his honourable presence. Thus, till Imam (a.t.f.s.) does not reappear and remains in occultation, we will be deprived of numerous priceless blessings. Among the most important characteristics of the major occultation is that it is the era of ordeal and tribulation. 1. Absence of (physical) contact: In ‘Ghaibat Sughra’ (Minor Occultation) too, Imam (a.t.f.s.) was not known to the people. However, it was possible for the people to be in touch with him through the ‘special representatives’. People used to approach the ‘special representatives’ with their queries and problems, who in turn, would – with Imam’s (a.t.f.s.) permission – meet him (a.s.) and forward those queries. Imam (a.t.f.s.) would then give their replies. But in the year 329 AH, after the demise of the fourth special representative Janab Ali b. Muhammad Seymouri (r.a.), this arrangement came...

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Exegesis of Imam Zamana’s (a.t.f.s.) Ziarat

Exegesis of Imam Zamana’s (a.t.f.s.) Ziarat As has been customary for the past few years, we shall discuss the exegesis of Imam Mahdi’s (a.t.f.s.) Ziarat in this issue of Al-Muntazar. This year we have short listed Imam’s (a.t.f.s.) Ziarat on Friday for discussion. Before we proceed with the exegesis of the Ziarat, it is important that we first appreciate the importance of Friday in Islam. Importance of Friday Islam accords great importance to Friday. While all days of the week belong to Allah, Friday stands out for its significance. 1. Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) informs: ‘Allah has created the Prophets (a.s.) and the successors (a.s.) on Friday.’ (Behaarul Anwaar vol. 15 pg. 22 narrated from Basaaer al-Darajaat) 2. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates: ‘Friday has been named as Juma’h ( ) because on this day Allah assembled all the creatures and extracted a covenant from them concerning His Unity (Tauheed), the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and the guardianship of Ameerul Momeneen – Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.).’ (Tahzeebul Ahkaam by Shaykh Tusi (r.a.) vol. 3 pg. 3) 3. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informs: ‘Friday is the day of worship. So worship Allah as much as possible on that day.’ (Behaarul Anwaar vol. 59 pg. 18, 19) 4. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) explains: ‘Friday is the day of Eid for the Muslims. It is greater in merit than Eidul...

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Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and Sayyed Ibne Taoos (r.a.)

Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and Sayyed Ibne Taoos (r.a.) ‘The status and position of a believer before his Imam (a.t.f.s.) is equal to the importance and prominence accorded by the believer to his Imam (a.t.f.s.).’ (Kamaaluddin, vol. 2, pg. 400) The reality of human existence can be grasped from the subtlety of the soul that Allah created as perfect, pure and free from all blemishes. The creation of this soul is such that on the one hand, equipped with the capacity for guidance and training; it possesses the potential to scale the highest peaks of spiritual perfection. On the other hand, it is equally vulnerable to plunge into the depths of degradation and misery through sins and transgression. If this very essence of man, the soul, follows the path of self-purification, advancing along the path illuminated by the teachings of the Holy Quran and seeks guidance from the traditions of Ahle Bait (a.s.), it will attain success in this world and the hereafter. Perhaps, its most commendable success will be the achievement of the pleasure and satisfaction of Allah the Almighty. However, if it turns away from this path, it will be condemned to deprivation, shackled by darkness and corruption. One must remember that it is only the presence of a living soul that grants life to this body. In this transient world, we are presented with two contrasting examples. On...

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