The Meaning of the title of Imam Zaman (a.s.)
The Meaning of the title of Imam Zaman (a.s.) A title reflects the personality of man, his characteristics and qualities are projected through it A title reflects the personality of man, his characteristics and qualities are projected through it. Nowadays such instances are extremely numerous where this dictum rarely comes true. The titles are some times promiscuous bestowed without knowing the actual meaning by the patrons and by the patronized which is out of context here. The Prophets of Allah are familiar by the titles added with their names which throw light on their probity and innate qualities endowed in them by the creator. The prophet Moosa (a.s.) is addressed as “Kaleem-Ullah” as he had conversation with the Creator of the world, while our last prophet as is specifically mentioned in the Holy Book is known as Rehmatullil Aalameen – the one whose existence is a source and fountain of blessings in this world and in the world hereafter. Likewise his progeny is also profusely blessed. Unlike others, the appellations of dignity of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) have each got their own significance separately. Janabe Muhaddis Noori (may God shower His blessings on him) the author of the book “Najm us Saquib” has mentioned one hundred eighty two names and titles of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) with references. Those who are fond of reciting prayers (Dua) not only for consecration and happiness but...
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