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The Meaning of the title of Imam Zaman (a.s.)

The Meaning of the title of Imam Zaman (a.s.) A title reflects the personality of man, his characteristics and qualities are projected through it A title reflects the personality of man, his characteristics and qualities are projected through it. Nowadays such instances are extremely numerous where this dictum rarely comes true. The titles are some times promiscuous bestowed without knowing the actual meaning by the patrons and by the patronized which is out of context here. The Prophets of Allah are familiar by the titles added with their names which throw light on their probity and innate qualities endowed in them by the creator. The prophet Moosa (a.s.) is addressed as “Kaleem-Ullah” as he had conversation with the Creator of the world, while our last prophet as is specifically mentioned in the Holy Book is known as Rehmatullil Aalameen – the one whose existence is a source and fountain of blessings in this world and in the world hereafter. Likewise his progeny is also profusely blessed. Unlike others, the appellations of dignity of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) have each got their own significance separately. Janabe Muhaddis Noori (may God shower His blessings on him) the author of the book “Najm us Saquib” has mentioned one hundred eighty two names and titles of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) with references. Those who are fond of reciting prayers (Dua) not only for consecration and happiness but...

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A few distinctive characteristics of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.)

A few distinctive characteristics of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) Allah the Most High has blessed the Imam of the time Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) with innumerable noble traits and distinctive characteristics. This shows the special position held by Imam (a.t.f.s.) near Allah, the Almighty. It is not even possible to list all of these attributes. We have listed below some of these special characteristics. 1. Light: During his ascension (Meraj) the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) witnessed the light of the Holy Infallibles (a.s.). Among these, the light of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) was most bright and was the only one in an upright position. 2. Lineage: The lineage of our Imam (a.s.) is the most noble and honorable. He is the grandson of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), he is of the family of the pure and holy Imams (a.s.). In addition to this, from his mother’s side his lineage extends to the Caesar (Qaiser) of Rome and further to Shamoon al-Safa, who was the successor of Hazrat Isa (a.s.). Consequently his lineage extends to Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) from both of his sons, Hazrat Ishaaq (a.s.) and Hazrat Ismaaeel (a.s.). Thus the supplication of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) reaches fruition through Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). 3. Imam (a.t.f.s.) visiting the skies: When Imam (a.t.f.s.) was born, two angels took him up to the Throne and there, Allah The Most High spoke to Imam (a.t.f.s.) thus, ‘Welcome...

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Dua-e-Nudbah and the Dawn of Idd

Dua-e-Nudbah and the Dawn of Idd Crying, mourning, weeping and lamenting are innate to every living creature. Mourning and tears of every individual are a manifestation of his painful, dejected and restless heart. It is possible that the anguished person may be helpless in expressing his grief in words, but his tears come to his rescue. When he cries his heart becomes light. Just as a person who is unwell finds comfort after medication, in the same way when a person cries without restraint the burden of his sorrow seems light and he finds solace. Crying and mourning are the standards that Allah has bestowed to his servants so that they measure the divine love in their hearts. It is for this very reason that among our religious responsibilities, mourning and grieving play a central and fundamental role. However this lamenting should be based on sincerity and genuineness. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has proclaimed that wilayat (mastership) and love (of his Ahle Bait [a.s.]) are the recompense of his Prophethood. For the sake of this Mastership one should be ready to sacrifice one’s most treasured belongings. The love of the Ahle Bait (a.s.) should supersede all other affections only then will the recompense of Prophethood be fulfilled. Mourning and weeping are the signs of the intense love that a person feels for his beloved. When we cry out in...

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Kamaaluddin-A Brief Introduction

Kamaaluddin-A Brief Introduction This book is among the earliest ones written on the subject of occultation of Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.). The full name of this book is Kamaaluddin wa Tamamun Nemah. It is authored by Raesul Muhadetheen Abu Jafar Mohammad ibn Ali Babaway Qummi (r.a.) who is widely known as Sheikh-e-Saduq. Sheikh-e-Saduq (a.r.) was born in 302 A.H. in the city of Qom into a family famous for its religious knowledge. At that time the city of Qom was centre of lovers of Ahle-Bait (a.s.). The birth of Sheikh-e-Saduq was the result of the prayers of Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.). Sheikh-e-Saduq studied for twenty years under the guidance of his eminent father Ali ibn Ibrahim Babaway (a.r.). He was from among the companions of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) and later had shifted to the city of Rayy. Sheikh traveled to Iraq, Iran and Turkey to collect the traditions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Holy Imams (a.s.). While traveling to various places he imparted religious knowledge to many people whom he met on his journey. People from different corners of Islamic world gained from the efforts of Sheikh. People sought answers to problems of jurisprudence (fiqh) from him. Sheikh-e-Tusi (a.r.) writes about him: He was of the foremost level and commanded a very good memory. He was an Alam of Fiqh and had learned and memorized many traditions. He was unmatched. There...

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The Causes of Occultation or Divine Practice

The Causes of Occultation or Divine Practice The occultation of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.s.) was an abrupt affair which was absolutely unex­pected and hence people were not prepared for the same. If we study those traditions which are related to Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.s.), then it becomes crystal clear that from the very begin­ning whenever his attributes were described, then even his occultation was mentioned along with his characteristics. It has been repeated so often that the personality of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) be­comes inconceivable without the occultation, that it was reiterated so much that the companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) many a times inquired from him that “When the Imam will go into the occultation, then how will the people be benefited from his existence?” To which he was replying that “They will benefit from him as they were benefiting from the sun behind the clouds.” Occultation not particular with Imam-E-Zamana (a.s.) Time and again this question has been raised that why from amongst the Prophets (a.s.) and the Imams (a.s.), Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) was singled out for the occultation. Since we are feeling his absence to the core, hence we are thinking that the occultation is particular with Imam Mahdi (a.s.) only other­wise even Prophets (a.s.) have gone into occul­tation. The names of Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Idris and Hazrat Musa (a.s.) can be mentioned Even our Holy...

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