The possibilities of meeting Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (as)
The possibilities of meeting Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (as) One of the responsibilities of the believers during the occultation of Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) is daily recitation of Dua-e-Ahad after the morning prayers. Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says “Whoever will recite this dua for forty days then Allah will enlist him among the aides of our Qaem and if he dies before his reappearance then Allah will raise him after death so that he can serve the Imam of his time.” One of the phrases of this important dua is: “O Allah bestow on me the sight of the beautiful guide and his dazzling forehead. Let one glimpse of him, have a kohl-like effect on my eyes, which will illuminate my vision.” In the dua of Asr-e-Ghaibat, we find the following phrase: “O Allah: I implore you to let me see the Valiye-Amr” Similar such phrases and expressions are found in other duas related to Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). In Dua-e-Nudbah, a believer remembers his Imam, and pleads with him in this manner: “It is indeed very hard for me to bear that I can see everyone but am unable to see you” All these lamentations that have been related by the Infallibles (a.s.) state the practical possibilities of meeting in Occultation. These clearly indicate that during the occultation of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), it is possible to meet him but of course by...
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