Author: admin

Where is the Enlivener of the Signs of Religion and Its People?

Where is the Enlivener of the Signs of Religion and Its People? The above phrase and sentences similar to it form a part of the prayer of Dua-e-Nudbah which we generally recite on Friday mornings. They illuminate our hearts with the remembrance of Imam (a.s.). The sentence itself is very beautiful and meaningful though it is a request. It poses the question ‘Where is he?’ in the impatience of one who is awaiting (intezaar). The recitor is restive, is concerned and weeping on the separation from the Imam (a.s.). These beautiful sentences of supplication make the teachings of religion alive again. The phrases of dua reflect the concern of days passing without the realization of the Promise and this makes the recitor gloomy. It is impossible to articulate the sentence in its entirety; rather we attempt a short summary for the readers. It is a fact that the Almighty God has revealed the Holy Qur’an and sent His Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as a guide and salvation for mankind. The mantle of guidance was passed on to the pure Progeny (a.s.) after the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Attachment to their holy persona was a guarantee of salvation against all deviation and corruption. But the Ummah’ not only erred in protecting the religion but blatantly changed and altered it for their selfish material means and ends. So, on one hand, there was Ali...

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Fulfillment of Divine Promise

Fulfillment of Divine Promise Allah is Beneficent and Merciful upon His servants. None can surpass Him in His love and compassion. The love of a mother – inspite of it intensity and enormity – cannot match the mercy of Allah. When the love of a mother cannot see her child in any kind of difficulty, then how can it be expected that the infinite love of Allah for His servants will see them in the fire of Hell? Highest Creation Allah has referred to humans as the “best of creations”. He has honoured humanity with the title of “sons of Adam”, thus making them superior to all His creations. Allah has made human beings extremely balanced and equitable and has made provisions to fulfill the smallest of their needs. On one hand, Allah has granted man with the infinite power of “freedom of choice” while on the other hand He has also bestowed man with the great bounty of “intellect” so that man can exercise his freedom reasonably. If He has given man the spark of “carnal desires” then He has also blessed man with “complete guidance”. If there is Iblees – the Satan –to incite the desires and ignite the flames of animal instincts, then He also sent a series of Prophets (a.s.) and Imams (a.s.) for the guidance of mankind. Since Allah is aware of the inner...

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Kitaab al-Ghaybah

Kitaab al-Ghaybah By Shaikh at-Taa’efah, Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Hasan al-Toosi (a.r.) In this article, we introduce our readers to the famous book “Kitaab Al-Ghaybah” by the revered scholar ‘Shaikh at-Taa’efah’ Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Hasan al-Tusi (a.r.). The following are some of the titles conferred upon this great personality: “The Imam of the Imamiah sect after the Infallible Imams (a.s.)”; “The Pillar of the Shi’ites” and “The Scholar of Fundamentals and Branches of Religion.” Some of our eminent scholars also praise him thus: The Learned, the Practitioner, the Way (sabeel), the Judicious, the Pure, the Noble, the Insightful, the Skilled in law, the Explainer, etc. He has authored books on various aspects of Islamic sciences. He was celebrated as the standard in these sciences. His style and writings are an example for the Shias. Our scholars have benefited a lot from his writings and will continue to do so, Inshallah. Kitaab al-Ghaybah is one of his more famous compilations. It is an excellent source for dispelling misgivings and doubts about the Occultation of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). The author himself notes that he has collected authentic traditions to answer different queries regarding Occultation. Kitaab al-Ghaybah comprises of one preface and eight chapters. A Note on the Chapter of Occultation Sheikh Al-Tusi (r.a.) says that we use two ways to prove the Occultation of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). The first approach is the...

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The Patience of Ayyub (a.s.) vis-à-vis the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) Patience

The Patience of Ayyub (a.s.) vis-à-vis the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) Patience The word ‘patience’ is at the very least uttered by the literate populace of society. From the dawn of realization to the last breath, patience acts as a soothing balm on the wounds of the heart. Everyone knows this doctor but nobody recognizes him. Everybody is familiar with it yet it lingers in the pale of unawareness. Here patience signifies the act which works towards the satisfaction of Allah (Blessed and High be He). It denotes the patience that elevates the being of man to a higher plane, gives proof of his being immortal and brings him closer to Allah. Patience, despite having a non vocal existence, attracts the attention of all of Allah’s creation with its eloquence. Patience is a condition manifested in a person on his progress to perfection. But, its effects and benefits envelop the universe when it progresses to a pinnacle where patience itself is proud of the patient one. Patience is the collective elucidation of existential elements like perseverance, strength of character, good nature, will power, firm beliefs, high morals and the determination to struggle. This is illustrated by the saying of the Master of the Pious Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.) that man may appear to be insignificant but encloses a universe within himself. When man, with the power of patience and...

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Can we pray to Imam (a.s.) for our needs

Can we pray to Imam (a.s.) for our needs?‎ Occasionally, there are questions that arise in some minds – “Can one seek our desires ‎directly from the Imam?” or “Isn’t the seeking of one’s needs directly from the Imam ‎tantamount to associating aught with Allah and polytheism?” or “Is it not against the concept of ‎monotheism if we ask for our needs directly from Imam (a.s.)?” Here is a review of these ‎questions and also their appropriate replies.‎ This world – A system of ‘means’ and ‘end’‎ Allah, the Almighty, has fashioned the world in such a way that everything is achieved ‎through some ‘means’ and ‘causes’. None of our needs are fulfilled directly. Thirst is not ‎quenched by itself. It is done through the medium of water. A child does not come into ‎existence by itself. He is born through its parents. This is true for all other things as well. ‎ Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says, ‎ ‎‘The wisdom of Allah does not permit that He completes an affair without means. He ‎has ordained a cause for everything.’ ‎ ‎(Al-Kafi; vol. 1, p. 183 H. 7)‎ Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.) said,‎ ‎“There is a means for everything.” ‎ ‎(Ghurar al-Hekam, Saying no 7281)‎ Allah, the Almighty, while narrating the incident of Hazrat Zulqarnayn (a.s.) in the Holy ‎Quran, says, ‎ ‎“Surely We established him...

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