Mahdi (AJ) in Shia

One of the common beliefs among all nations and religions is believing in a divine savior who is the cause of vast blessings and charity for human being. Of course, such savior differs from one nation to another; and it would be discussed in the article: “Mahdi in religions”.
Believing in a savior is in human’s nature that causes hope giving and inspiring. Shia- like other schools – insists explicitly on existence of a savior, Mahdi (AJ), but the difference is that in Ithna’ashari Shia, (the Shia who believes in all the twelve Imams) believing in Mahdi is one of the school’s principles and prayers to Allah and acceptance of worships would be accomplished only by believing in this important base.
In this article, definite believing in a savior in other religions and nations will be discussed and specially, Shia’s opinion about Mahdi (AJ) will be emphasized.
We will declare Mahdi’s (AJ) characteristics from Shia’s point of view, his occultation and his basic role in the world. Also we will explain the era of his reappearance and the golden period of his governorship briefly.
Shia believes in this heavenly Promised (Mahdi (AJ)) firmly and has fully talked about him. Below, the aspects of this belief are declared.

Who is the Savior according to Shia belief?

Shiites believe that the Savior (Mahdi) is the ninth son of Imam Hosain (AS), (the third Imam of Shiites), son of Imam Ali (AS), and Imam Hosain (AS) is son of Fatimah (AS), the great Prophet’s daughter. Mahdi (AJ) is son of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) (the eleventh Imam of Shiites). According to reliable narratives from the honored Prophet of Islam (PBUH), Mahdi (AJ) is his namesake. He was born in the city of Samereh in Iraq in year 255 (Hejri Ghamari) and is one of the longeval people of the history. Shia believes that he is alive but away from people’s eyes and his occultation (not absence) is the will of Allah but this occultation has protected his life.
Mahdi (AJ) is the twelfth Imam of Ithna’ashari Shiites and their greatest leader in the world at present and Shiite’s flag is in his hands. His location is not known exactly and Shiites believe that he lives among people.
He is the most pious, just, learned and truthful of all the people. Shia considers him as an “Infallible” (means he is away from any sin and fault). He is the real commentator of Holy Quran and performer of right commandments of Islam. He is the most similar person to the Prophet (PBUH) and whom Allah gets, to give His blessing to the world.
He has occulted for an unknown period, but benefits mankind like the sun behind the clouds. He is the kindest of all people and everything for Shiite is from him. His occultation has many reasons, which we will describe in article “Occultation”. There would be Faraj, relief (reappearance) after this occultation according to Allah’s will.
At first, he will rise from Mecca and will organize a worldwide revolution to spread justice. He will eradicate all the wicked and will propagate honesty and theism. He will govern the entire world several years and people will experience a divine government, which was desired by all previous prophets and Imams, in the golden era of his appearance. In this era, Jesus Christ will come from sky to the earth to help Mahdi (AJ). The number of his generals is 313 (the number of soldiers in the first battle of Islam) who are the outstanding people in the history. Most of them are not for that time but they will be got alive by Allah to help Mahdi (AJ) and likewise the enemies of previous Imams to be punished by him. More details about this era will be discussed in the article: “Reappearance Era”.
And finally, after years of his governorship, he will be martyred by the most vicious of all people and that is the time when all people will die and will be raised by Allah’s will in the day of resurrection (for the last judgment).
