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IMAM-E-MAHDI A.S. PLAN AFTER RE-APPEARANCE Ever since man has inhabited the earth, he has had the wish to lead a social life filled with happines in its true sense and has striven towards this end. If such a wish were not to have an objective existence it would never have been imprinted upon man’s inner nature, in the same way that if there were no food there would have been no hunger Therefore, by reason of inner necessity and determination, the future will see a day when human society will be replete with justice and when all will live in peace and tranquility, when human-beings will be fully possessed of virtue and perfection. The establishment of such a condition will occur through human hands but with Divine succor. And the leader of such a society, who will be the saviour of mankind is none other than MAHDI. Now let us see what will be the situation during the time of reappearence of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) and what would be his Government. The answer to this can be found in the Holy Quran where in Sura Noor Ayat No. 55 it says. “Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He made rulers those before them, and that He will most certainly, after their...

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AWAITING FOR IMAM A.S.OR FOR SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS Innumerable narrations contain the signs and symbols of the re-apperarance of Hazrat Vali-e-Asr Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Janab Sheikh Sadooq and Allama Majlisi (May God Shower His blessing on on them) the highly acclaimed Islamic Scholars have described these narrations among the signs and symbols of the re-appearance of Imam (A.S.) Here we will discuss them wholly form literary point of view. 1. Importance of signs and symbols of re-appearance of Imam (A.S.) Since long all the Muslims in general and the Shias in particular are looking forward for the re-appearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.). It is undoubtedly an established fact like the Doomsday for which no fixed time or period is sounded. Only Allah knows, we know not. We have only to focus our attention on the indications assigned for it. To investigate, to find out and to distinguish between these signals and tokens for the re-appearance of Imam (A.S.) is of immense importance. We can assume on the basis of these indications (not for certain) that the time and period is not far away. Due to this more emphasis is given on these signs from the beginning itself. 2.There are two types of indications and signs The signals given by Ahlul-bait are not of one type. Some of the signs told by the descendants of the Holy Prphe (SAWA) are...

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DENIAL OF MAHDI A.S. IS BLASPHEMY Here we will prove that the denial of Iman-e-Zamana (A.S.) is synonymous to infidelity. First of all we should know what is the actual meaning of idolatry and who is an idolator ? Fourteen hundred years ago part of the globe known as Arabia was the cradle of ignorance andits inhabitants were in a state of illitracy and uneducation. The darkeness of ignorance illuminated with the advent of Islam brought by Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (Peace be on him and and his progeny). The people one after the other embraced Islam with few exceptions who due to racial and tribal hatred refused to accept the Prophet of Goda and were hell-bent to falsify the Holy Book descended on him by the God. It is clear that he who refuses to acknowledge him as Prophet and has no faith in his teachings and in Quran and in Doomsday. (Last day of judgment) is an infidel even if he claims to believe in all previous prophets and he can be called as an infidel. It is accepted by the Shias and Sunnis as well that the Prophet-hood of Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa is established by the Quran as well as by narration (Hadees). The Quran acclaimed Mohammad (Peace be on him and and his progeny) that resembles the above Sura of the Holy Book. The Prophet...

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MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION ABOUT H.MAHDI A.S. ANSERWED BY IMAM On the commands of Allah Imam Mahdi is in occultation right from the commencement of his Imamat. Hence as compared to his forefathers his meetings with his Shias have been very few.The people present their problem before his esteemed self in the form of letters and areeza. An areeza is a letter of requests written by the Shias to the Imam of their time. The Imam has also reciprocated in a similar manner. The letters of Imam-e-Zaman(a.s) are also terminologically called as “Tawqee”. These Tawqee’s have been assimilated in several books.Ayatullah Syed Hasan Shirazi has compiled these letters in a book called ‘called “Kalemat-ul-Imam al-Mahdi”. This single book contains all the letters of Imam (a.s.) which are found in different books. Originally the book was written in Arabic. Dr. Syed Hasan Sabzawari has translated this book into Persian by the same name. The answers to the questions mentioned below, have been given by Imam (a.s.) himself. These replies have been compiled from various letters that were sent to him (a.s.) in the course of his Ghaibat. To that extent the letters of Imam (a.s.) constitute “half a meeting” with him, and the same is being presented in your service. Q.1. Where do you live in these days of your occultation? Ans Presently, we are living away from the settlements...

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PROPAGATE THE REMEMBRANCE OF YUSUF-E-ZAHRA At the outset please our hearty greetings on the auspicious day of the birth anniversary of Baquiytullah-I1-Aazam Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.) whose holy name is refered to not only in the Quran but also in the holy scriptures of the earlier Prophets (A.S.). This Divine Personality, the last nomine of the last Prophet of Islam (A.s.), will spread the teachings of Islam in the four corners of the world. He will change the strife-torn, miserable, unjust & tyrannical world into a garden of peace, justice and tranquility virtue and righteousness. He will gather all the disintegrated true beleivers on the platform of purity and righteous persons, their due status & honour in the society, whilst the enemies, the unjust and evil persons will be degrated and dishonoured. He is the son of Ummul-Momineen Hazrat Khadija (S.A.), the Queen among the Arab ladies, He is the apple of the eyes of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.) the lady of the two worlds – This and the hereafter – and Ali (A.S.), the magnificient, leader of the Pious Believers. He is the chosen son of the Holy Prophet of Islam Mohammad-e-Mustafa (Pbuh) the last jewel in the crown of Prophethood. He is the one who is the responsible personality of Islam, the only divine representative on this earth. He is none other than Hazrat Hujjat Ibnil Hasan-Al-Askari,...

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